Ann Arbor Police confirmed that there were antisemitic messages written over a Pride Month painting on the rock, located at the corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Hill Street
A derogatory caricature of a Jewish man with a big nose and horns was painted on buildings at the following intersections: Belmont Avenue and Orchard Street, Roscoe Street and Broadway as well as at Melrose Street and Broadway.
Professor Oren Gross has resigned from the University’s Center for Jewish Studies (CJS), charging the institution with a failure to denounce a national rise in antisemitic violence and Hamas’ role in the recent Gaza conflict.
Rising Florida State seniors Madison Schatz and Julia Clemens tell WCTV three swastikas and the word “Nazi” were written on the door of their off-campus apartment late Tuesday night.
Google’s head of diversity strategy is under fire over a 2007 blog post in which he wrote that Jews have “an insatiable appetite for war and killing” — and an “insensitivity” to people’s suffering.
University of San Francisco Instagram page was deactivated mid May after a student behind the account published a post about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which was later condemned by the University president.
The teacher, who works in a non-Jewish school, said pupils competed to see who could stick the most amount of Free Palestine stickers on their hair and clothing.