The crowd of about 20 to 30 managed to jump out of the path of the vehicle before the assailant stopped short in front of a metal gate, yelled “f**k the Jews” and drove off.
David Rosenbaum, a general manager at Unilever’s Englewood Cliffs, NJ headquarters, is suing Unilever for firing him over time off he took for Rosh Hashanah
A spokesman said officers were called to Ecole Secondaire Catholique Algonquin on Friday and said police are working to determine whether a crime related to hate, genocide, or incitement of hatred has occurred.
Ash Williams, Chief Investment Officer of the Florida State Board of Administration, said "we've not seen any meaningful response from Unilever" after discussions with the company.
A 23-year-old man was standing out in front of the synagogue when he was approached by an unidentified man who suddenly made a threatening, antisemitic statement and then threatened to blow up the synagogue.
Police say the first victim said someone shouted antisemitic comments at him near the intersection of Murray Avenue and Nicholson Street around 6 a.m. in the morning.
The unidentified 18-to-25-year-old perpetrator was part of the group allegedly yelling slogans at the organizers of the gathering, including “f**k Israel, free Palestine”
A tweet by Nourhan Mesbah, who is now CDA National Director of Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA), showed her commenting on a presidential debate between Clinton and Trump by saying, “I blame this debate on the yahood” — Arabic for “Jew.”
The 26 year old attacker,Myles Robert Newton, punched the Jewish man in the face as well as broke a wine bottle over his head while yelling antisemitic slurs.