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Jewish Leader's Home in Mexico Vandalized with Antisemitic Graffiti

Alejandro Rabinovich Noé , President of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community in Mérida, is the target of continuing antisemitic attacks.

Last April he began to receive anonymous threats on his cell phone from various unknown numbers and some from the city of Monterrey. In every call he received the callers scornfully complained about his Jewish origins and warned him to leave the city.

As the hostility against him continued with greater intensity and he feared for his safety and that of his family, he filed a criminal complaint with the State Attorney General's Office. In his complaint, Rabinovich Noé reported that in mid-April, May and June last, he received several calls from the numbers 8133943424 and 8133991944 and other unknown numbers and in all of them he offended him because of his Jewish origin , they told him that “you and your Jewish family shit ... we don't want you here, we want all the shit Jews to leave ... shit Zionists ... get out of here ”.

The attack went to another level of threat when on Monday September 20th when unidentified individuals showed up at his home and spray painted Nazi Swastikas, Stars of David and “Get Out Jews”.

He also specified that this hostility, insults and threats against him and the Jewish community began when he took over the Presidency. In order to have more evidence of the threats and the invasion of his private property and his security, he reported the vandalism to the Secretary of Public Security.