The Sebastian County Sherrif’s Office is investigating flyers found in yards in Huntington.
The flyers contain profanity and white power messages. Capt. Philip Pevehouse with the Sebastian County Sherrif’s Office said there are still a lot of unanswered questions.
“These remarks are very disparaging to certain groups of people and we certainly do not know the motivation behind this, we don’t know who the author is, and it has language on it that I’m not sure exactly what it means,” Pevehouse said.
Pevehouse said the sheriff’s office got a call Monday night about the flyers and deputies immediately went down there to get them and make sure the residents felt safe.
“They were able to retrieve three of these ziploc baggies, they had not been touched,” Pevehouse said. “I don’t know if we’ll be able to pull prints or anything but we will make every effort we can to identify who these came from.”
KNWA/FOX24 talked to residents in Huntington, but they did not want to go on camera. They said Huntington is a peaceful community and these flyers aren’t typical.
Capt. Pevehouse said he doesn’t know yet if anything can be done legally about the flyers, but said the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office is looking into it.
If you have any information about the flyers, you are asked to call the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office. You can remain anonymous if you want.