The family of an eighth-grade Lake Forest student discovered multiple swastikas drawn inside their child's yearbook following a signing event at the north suburban school, according to officials.
Administrators sent out a letter Thursday notifying Deer Path Middle School families of the incident, which reportedly occurred during a yearbook signing following a class field trip.
School district officials said in a statement they're "devastated" the act of hate occurred at Deer Path, and are committed to "cultivating a culture of belonging."
"We are deeply devastated that this abhorrent act of hate occurred at Deer Path by members of our school community. We are committed to cultivating a school culture of belonging for all stakeholders, and any act that discriminates against others is intolerable," said Sam Paulsen, Deer Path Middle School 7/8 Principal.
Paulsen went on to say the behavior directly violated the district's policy against bullying.
School officials said they continue to investigate the incident and encouraged the families of eighth grade students to check their children's yearbooks.
"We are investigating this incident thoroughly. While we hope this is an isolated incident, we encourage the families of all 8th graders to look through their student’s yearbook tonight," Paulsen said.
Paulsen asked anyone with information about the incident to contact his office immediately.
School officials said counseling staff, deans, and other members of its administrative team would be made available for students to speak to over the remaining days of school.