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What is CAIR’s vision and action plan for U.S Campuses?
“I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”
Ibrahim Hooper, Director of Strategic Communications CAIR
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an American front group for the terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Muslim Brotherhoods, is infiltrating the U.S. education system. Their anti-American agenda is infecting school curriculums, poisoning the minds of our students and our future leaders with Islamist propaganda, antisemitism, and anti-American bias.
CAIR Georgia is one of the many groups driving these anti-American and antisemitic campaigns. The local CAIR chapter is demanding Georgia State University (GSU) to end its relationship with Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) due to its partnership with Israel.
GILEE was founded in 1992 as a joint project of GSU and local, state, federal and international law enforcement and public safety agencies. The program works to advance U.S. homeland security efforts through counterterrorism training and international cooperation. Israel is one of 25 countries participating in this life-saving program.
CAIR Georgia is led by anti-Israel activist Edward Ahmed Mitchell. Mitchell has come under fire for enforcing his anti-American and antisemitic views in the classroom. CAIR Georgia is allegedly funding and recruiting GSU’s student government members to be the campaign surrogates for CAIR’s antisemitic campaign against GILEE.
Last spring, students recruited by CAIR introduced a resolution urging GSU to withdraw its police department from the GILEE on the basis of its partnership with Israel.
This resolution was not part of a grassroots movement inspired by students. It was professionally drafted by CAIR. Mitchell himself showed up on campus to speak at the student government hearing urging GSU to end its relationship with GILEE. The resolution falsely accused Israeli law enforcement of subjecting Palestinians to racial profiling, indefinite detention, and excessive force.
While the resolution failed to pass last semester, CAIR is scheming to renew the antisemitic campaign against GILEE during the 2019-2020 academic year.
This campaign is one of countless efforts by CAIR to implement its anti-American agenda on college campuses and legitimize antisemitism under the veneer of anti-Israel advocacy.
College campuses should serve their students, not terror-affiliated organizations.
Sign our petition and call on the U.S. Department of Education and GSU to keep CAIR off our campuses!