Help Stop the next Pittsburgh! Tell UCLA To Cancel SJP’S Annual Conference or be held accountable!
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is confirmed to hold its national conference at UCLA on November 16-18th.
SJP’s Founder, Hatem Bazian, has been documented saying horrific anti-Semitic and violence-inciting statements. Here are some examples:
1. “Some say our Congress is the best money can buy. But we also say our Congress is an Israeli occupied territory.”
2. “There are a large number of Zionists who were engaged with Nazi Germany”
3. “How come we don’t have an intifada in this country?”
SJP’s previous conferences have glorified known jihadists and convicted terrorists:
1. In 2012 SJP hosted Khader Adnan (American University): past spokesman for Islamic Jihad; calls for violent jihad.
2. In 2015 SJP hosted Rasmea Odeh (San Diego State University): member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, convicted of murdering two students. Odeh was deported back to Jordan in 2017.
3. In 2016 SJP hosted Leila Khaled (George Mason University): member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the first woman to hijack an airplane.
The Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs recently published a stomach-turning expose on SJP (read the full report here). Startling highlights include:
1. SJP is not a “grassroots” student organization; it is a terror-supporting, anti-Semitic network that harasses and intimidates Israel-friendly students.
2. SJP’s founders, financial patrons and ideological supporters have been linked to Islamists and Palestinian terror organizations such as Hamas, Hizbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
3. The annual National SJP conference serves as a conduit to drive radical terror discourse, violence and anti-Semitism at colleges and universities across the United States.
Members of Congress have now joined the effort in asking UCLA to cancel the conference (read Congressman’s Brad Sherman’s (CA) letter to UCLA’s Chancellor Gene Block here).
Because of SJP’s closed-door policy of not allowing any non SJP students to attend the Conference, UCLA is essentially allowing SJP to continue spewing their messages of violence, Anti-Semitism, and support of known terrorists.
We call on UCLA’s administration and Chancellor Block to cancel SJP’s Annual Conference that will do nothing but promote hate, violence, Anti-Semitism, and support of terrorists.
If not canceled, we call to hold UCLA accountable by investigating it for violation of anti-discrimination laws, its own policies against discrimination as were adopted by the UC Regents, and violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including Anti-Semitism) for federally assisted programs and activities!
1. Sign this petition.
2. Share this petition on all of your social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, IG).
3. Email Chancellor Block at (please copy Amy Blum, Jerry Kang and Monroe Gorden or call (310) 825-2151 to express your concerns and demand the immediate cancelation of SJP’s Annual Conference at UCLA.