Rodney Khazzam was only 4 years old when Leila Khaled hijackedthe plane he was on with his family, El Al Flight 219.
On September 23rd, 2020 convicted terrorist Khaled will be speaking to students at San Francisco State Univeristy.
Black Israelites Threaten Violence Against Jews
The Black Hebrew Israelite group Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK) posts a cryptic message on Facebook in regards to Palestinian leader Abbas saying he’s cutting ties with Israel.
The FB posts states “U know what time it is.”.
Due to the group’s past connections to violent attacks on Jews, and ideological antisemitism, the above social media post may be a call for violence over the peace plan.
Active Shooter At Kosher Store in New Jersey, Multiple Fatalities Reported
“Yesterday, we witnessed the worst of humanity when two gunmen targeted the Jewish community, opening fire at a kosher market in New Jersey and murdering two people simply because they were Jews, a store employee who worked at a Jewish business, and a police officer who was protecting the community. This heinous and cowardly act is fueled by the violent rise of the new antisemitism in America, driven by groups like the BDS movement. We welcome the President’s Executive Order to fight against this bigotry that also poisons U.S. campuses by protecting Jewish students under Title VI.
On Monday, we will release a comprehensive report on the history, methods, and networks of the new-antisemites in America and on how our nation can take substantive action to fight this evil, protect American citizens, and preserve our way of life.”
Updated December 11th, 2019 9am EST: Authorities are stating 3 Jewish civilians have been killed as well as Detective Joseph Seals, father of five children. The two gunmen have been identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham, members of the dangerous, antisemitic cult known as the“Black Israelites “.
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There is an active shooter situation taking place right now in Jersey City, NJ. Two gunmen are firing upon police and random people after taking refuge inside a Kosher store on Martin Luther King Drive near Bidwell Avenue.
According to reports, the initial shooting took place in Bayview Cemetery, with a police officer being shot in the shoulder. The wounded officer was transferred to Jersey City Medical Center where he passed away. At least one of the shooters then fled to a nearby store, from which the shooting has continued.
The storefront has been verified to be located at 223 MLK Drive, which police described as a bodega. According to a VIN news source, the Kosher store is owned by a Jewish Satmar family from Brooklyn.
Police said in a radio transmission that the the gunmen are shooting at anyone they see on the street, and have fired at the Catholic Sacred Heart School located nearby.
One police officer heard in a radio transmission said that every time a police officer moves toward the shooter, gunfire comes from a window at them.
As of 3 PM, VIN News has confirmed that the original officer that was shot in the cemetery has passed away. Two more officers were shot and are in stable condition. Additionally, one Jewish person was shot and is in stable condition.
Neo Nazi Leaders Urges White Supremacists to Kill 'Satanic' Kikes
A communication was discovered by the Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin urging other neo-Nazis to “slaughter these likes and take back what GOD gave to us”.
The article references an ancient church that was discovered in Acre, which Anglin wants to reclaim for the Christian people.
He also states “No Christian man should be able to sleep at night knowing that the Holy Land is in the possession of these satanic monsters [Jews}” and refers to Jews as the “actual killers of Christ”.
ALERT: Authorities Warning of Copycat German Synagogue Shooting Attacks
As German authorities have discovered, the Halle shooter, Stephan Balliet, published a manifesto shortly before the attack, claiming that one of his objectives was to prove the viability of homemade guns, which he used during the attack.
The pictured communication may be indicative of this objective, with individuals associated with the far-right, especially in Germany and Europe, attempting to carry out copy-cat attacks in the coming weeks or months with homemade weapons.
ALERT: Atomwaffen Division Releases New Video of Neo-Nazis Burning Israeli Flag
On 10 October 2019, our team identified a new recruitment video for the militant neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division posted on an encrypted neo-Nazi channel. In the video, titled “Fission,” masked members of the group are shown holding guns in forested areas. Throughout the video, messages about a coming race war are shown. The end of the video contains an email to join the group.
Additionally, throughout the video, members of Atomwaffen Division are shown standing over the flags of the United States and Israel. In the latter parts of the video, a masked man burns the Israeli flag with a torch.
ALERT: Terror Threats Identified in India Targeting Jewish Sites on Yom Kippur
Security authorities in India are on heightened alert due to a threat that terrorists will target Israeli and Jewish sites in the country during the High Holidays, with a particular concern about Yom Kippur, which begins on Tuesday night, Channel 12 reported.
The Israeli Embassy in New Delhi, synagogues, Jewish schools and restaurants and hotels popular among Israeli tourists are said to be in the crosshairs of a terror cell linked to Al-Qaeda or ISIS.
According to the Channel 12 report, Israel is cooperating with India in an effort to thwart the potential attacks.
In November 2008, six Jews were killed at the Chabad center in Mumbai, which was among multiples sites in the coastal metropolis simultaneously hit by a group of Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists who arrived by sea.
ALERT: List of U.S. Synagogues Posted on Antisemitic Dark Web Board
On 3 October 2019, we identified a post on a dark web message board that linked to a website that lists synagogues in the United States. The post was made on September 5th on the message board nanochan, a website associated with other, similar message boards such as 4chan and the now-offline 8chan. The post containing the synagogues list was made on a discussion thread about politics that contained antisemitic content. The website containing the list,, is innocuous and a legitimate source for individuals wishing to find synagogue contact details.
Nanochan is associated with 4chan and 8chan, both websites that allow anonymous communications. Both 4chan and 8chan are known for their highly anti-Semitic and racist content. Currently, 8chan is no longer available due to the website being removed over its connections to recent neo-Nazi and far-right shooters. The above post on nanochan containing synagogue information could potentially be used by would-be attackers to choose a target.
ALERT: Neo-Nazi BitChute Channel Declares ‘Free Palestine;’ Posts Louis Farrakhan Video
On 14 August 2019, a neo-Nazi channel on the video-sharing website BitChute supporting the destruction of Israel and declaring “Free Palestine.” The channel, called “ExposeTheNose,” an anti-Semitic reference to Jews, contains numerous videos detailing various conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination and speeches by anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan.
ExposeTheNose channel icon with anti-Israel hat and ‘Free Palestine’
Louis Farrakhan video posted by channel
The website, BitChute, is used by many on the far-right as an alternative to YouTube due to BitChute’s weaker regulations concerning hate speech. The ExposeTheNose channel currently has 289 subscribers. The channel also maintains an active encrypted channel that is part of a larger network of militant, neo-Nazi channels on the Telegram platform. The ExposeTheNose Telegram channel has 854 members as of this writing and contains similar content to other neo-Nazi channels.
Telegram post by user about the BitChute channel
ALERT: Neo-Nazi Militants Urge Individuals to Carry Out Attacks Against high-Value Targets
Neo-Nazi Militants Urge individuals to carry out attacks against high-value targets rather than at places such as Walmart, a reference to the recent El Paso, Texas shooting.
In one of the communications, a user states that white people need to kill powerful and important people.
The communication also states that the “political opposition” needs to be targeted as well as the headquarters of “any far-left/anti-White” organization.
The communication was made on August 4th on the VetWar channel and has been viewed over 1,600 times, as of this Killing of High-Value Targets, Threaten Texas Gov Over Anti-BDS Policy
On August 6th 2019, and in a response, another user suggests killing Texas Governor Greg Abbott due to Abbott signing in 2017 a state bill opposing the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement. The communication was made on the same channel as the above communication and has been viewed 333 times.
The channel, VetWar, has 388 members. It is part of a network of neo-Nazi channels that often espouse violence and extreme racism.
ALERT: British Columbia Man Threatens to Kill Jews Online
B’nai Brith Canada is sounding the alarm about a B.C. man with self-proclaimed military experience who has repeatedly threatened to kill Jews online.
Marty Mullen, who also uses the aliases “Marty Tollington” and “Iron Horseman” on Facebook and Twitter, has said that he is “learning to kill Jewish Zionazis the Kosher Way” and proclaimed, “I am not going to be satisfied until I kill an entire Zionazi Jewish family.” “Zionazi” is a derogatory term for supporters of Israel that combines the words “Zionist” and “Nazi”.
Worryingly, Mullen also claims to be a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves and to have expertise with explosives.
B’nai Brith has urgently alerted the Sechelt Detachment of the RCMP about Mullen's activities. Mullen has also mused about murdering members of the RCMP.
“B’nai Brith is always concerned about public safety and the safety of our community,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “Threats to murder Jewish families and law enforcement officers absolutely cannot be tolerated.”
Sechelt is located in the Sunshine Coast region, about two hours northwest of Vancouver.
B’nai Brith’s 2018 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents recorded 374 antisemitic incidents in B.C., an increase of 126.7% over the 2017 figure.
On Wednesday, Vancouver City Council will consider a motion introduced by City Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, which is used by B’nai Brith for its Audit and was adopted by the Government of Canada in June as part of its new Anti-Racism Strategy.
Just over a month ago, Mullen took to Twitter to encourage Generation Z and Millennials to commit suicide by “attacking large groups of Wealthy Zionazis wherever they gather.”
ALERT: Cleveland, Ohio Jewish Museum Amongst Religious Institutions Vandalized with Fake Holocaust Posters
The well-known neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer is taking responsibility for a series of postering actions across the United States. The posters called into question the veracity of the Holocaust. Media reports about the posters first emerged several days ago; however, the Daily Stormer statement is the first official communication from the website about the campaign. Targets included synagogues, churches, Holocaust memorials, offices, and museums.