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Antisemite of the Week Update: Roger Waters

Roger Waters, co-founder of the band Pink Floyd, has grossly doubled down on his antisemitism since his “Antisemite of the Week” feature in 2019. These incidents stem from his support for the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, his claims of Jewish power and control, and his minimization of the Holocaust.

A few weeks ago, despite public outcry and petitions, Germany allowed Waters’ concert to proceed. In true Waters fashion, his performance had multiple antisemitic themes: at one point, he donned an outfit similar to an SS German officer and fired a fake automatic rifle. 

To add further insult to injury, Waters presented the names of Anne Frank and Shireen Abu Akleh side by side, comparing a parallel between the teenage Holocaust victim and the Palestinian journalist who was accidentally killed while covering the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Waters, an adamant supporter of BDS, also calls for the isolation and cultural boycott of the Jewish nation. He falsely compares the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians to apartheid South Africa and shockingly compares Israel to Nazi Germany. Some of his statements and actions have been paraded at his largely attended concerts. For example, in 2013, he used a large inflatable pig with a Star of David to signify Jewish greed and control, causing significant controversy as it invoked dangerous antisemitic stereotypes.

Not surprisingly, Roger Waters also associates with as well as defends prominent antisemites such as Linda Sarsour. After StopAntisemitism's successful campaign in which Geico cut ties with Linda Sarsour in 2022 after we exposed her vile Jew hatred to Geico's executives, Waters went on a rant that Geico caved to the "Zionists" and that some "Zionist person" was behind the firing.

A few months later, Waters went on the podcast of former Antisemite of the Week Joe Rogan, where the two spoke and discussed what they considered to be antisemitic. Waters defended Hamas and claimed Israel was responsible for the Palestinian’s ongoing intifadas because the Israelis will eventually "slaughter the Palestinians."

In an interview with “Ha’aretz” this month, Waters blamed the "Jewish lobby" for perpetuating the false notion that he was antisemitic. During the same interview, he called for an end to the Jewish state.

Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, boycotting Israeli goods, and drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis are deemed antisemitic by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.

Thankfully, Berlin authorities announced they were launching a criminal investigation into the actions that took place at Roger Waters’ concert mentioned above. 

Despite Germany's investigation and the ongoing antisemitic behavior of Roger Waters, the movie giant AMC Theaters has decided to proceed with promoting his current film!

How can YOU help? Email AMC Theaters' CEO Adam Aron and demand they stop all promotion of Roger Waters.