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Eva Muhammad


Sister Ava Muhammad is the first female minister to preside over a Mosque in Louis Farrakhan's antisemitic ministry, Nation of Islam (NOI). She also holds a prominent role as the national spokesperson for the NOI.

Sister Muhammad has been loudly sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories against Jews; at an NOI Mother’s Day panel in New Orleans, Muhammad was praising Farrakhan and demonstrated she doesn't fall far behind with her vile Jew hatred.

During the panel, she was asked by an audience member why it’s necessary for Farrakhan to keep attacking Jews, and how those attacks benefit the African-American community. Sister Muhammad responded by calling Jews “godless,” which brought the crowd to their feet, and proclaiming: “We will be free of this bloodsucking parasite, so they will no longer be able to sell us alcohol, drugs, depraved sex, and every other type of low-life thing that is keeping us from hereafter.”

During the same panel, she also claimed that Jewish people were the driving force behind keeping black people down in the south following the conclusion of the Civil War.

Luckily enough, the public is catching up to the vile hatred and racism spewed by Ava Muhammad. Recently Muhammad was invited to speak at San Diego State University (SDSU) alongside Holocaust denier Omali Yeshitela, just days after the President signed an Executive Order targeting antisemitism on College campuses.

Originally, SDSU’s office for strategic communications issued a statement saying they are committed "to ensure all members of our community are free to express their views both because free expression is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution and because it is part of our values as an institution of higher learning.” However, after a massive social media outrage, SDSU rescinded Muhammad's invitation to speak. 

A spokesman for SDSU later stated, "The student’s proposed speaker list previously included those who have espoused antisemitic rhetoric in the past. We strongly reject antisemitic, and other disparaging messages and actions."

We are glad that notwithstanding their original position SDSU decided not to allow Muhammad a platform to spew her vile antisemitism to young, impressionable students.