Mehdi Hasan hosts Ilhan Omar on Al Jazeera, where she stated, Americans instead of being Islamophobic "should be more fearful of white men."
Mehdi Hasan works for Qatar’s Al Jazeera propaganda channel to advance the state’s foreign interests including promoting the Muslim Brotherhood, its Gaza proxy terror group Hamas, and relentlessly advancing anti-American and anti-Israel interests. Mehdi is a host of numerous Al Jazeera's prime English shows (Upfront, Head to Head, and The Café) and a senior writer for the Intercept; through these channels and more, he promotes horrific anti-American and antisemitic views.
Al Jazeera is known to be the state sponsored propaganda arm of Qatar, the world's leader in terrorism. In addition to financially supporting terrorism in the Middle East, Qatar uses its powerful media infrastructure to destabilize our American Arab allies in the region by fomenting revolutions inside their borders.
Al Jazeera has also been accused of subpar, inconsistent journalistic standards and has been characterized as a medium for the Qatari Regime to paint a negative picture of America and glorify terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden.
Hasan has repeatedly promoted anti-Israel sentiments on his social media by accusing Israel of apartheid, claiming Israel “invented” the U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas, and arguing Israel engages in the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. He also frequently undermines Israeli sovereignty by referencing Israel’s “illegal military occupation” of Palestinian territory and has attempted to delegitimize or downplay the anti-Semitic sentiments in his criticisms of Israel.
Hasan displayed a history of Islamic extremist beliefs, repeatedly coming to the defense of Hamas, despite his Twitter claim that he is “no Hamas defender.” Hasan has also been captured on video calling non-Muslims “cattle” who “live their lives as animals” and quoting a French scholar who claimed disbelievers have a “disease of the human mind.”, and expressed derogatory statements about homosexuals; his full statements can be heard here.
Hasan has a history of attempting to downplay antisemitic sentiments, often using Israel as a shield and cheerleading for fellow bigots Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.
In February 2019, he supported antisemitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, tweeting: "I wanted to do this #Thread pointing out the absurdity of saying it’s off limits to mention money and support for Israel, when the US media does mention money, influence-peddling & lobbying when it come to Saudi Arabia and DC.”
In June 2019, Hasan mocked those who oppose anti-Zionism: “So anti-Zionism, opposing a Jewish-majority state which represses Palestinians, is apparently a form of horrific racism & antisemitism but... denying the very idea of a Palestinian state is fine because that’s ‘old state vernacular’.
In August 2019, Hasan white knighted for both Ilhan Omar's and Rashida Tlaib's continued antisemitism (see tweet below).
Hasan's employer, Al Jazeera, has continually received backlash for broadcasting antisemitic content, including denying the Holocaust, spreading conspiracy theories that Jews had been tipped off to 9/11 and comparing Zionism to Nazism. In 2012, American journalist Oren Kessler wrote Al Jazeera's anti-Israel sentiment tends to bleed indistinguishably into antisemitism.
Al Jazeera has proven ties to the terrorist organization Hamas. Its Qatari owner provided millions of dollars to the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and openly promotes Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist. In 2011, Al Jazeera Journalist Samer Allawi admitted to being a Hamas operative.
Mehdi Hasan, vis-a-vis his employer Al Jazeera, pushes a stream of vile, antisemitic conspiracy theories and attempts to rile up religious extremists; he is successfully masquerading as a left-wing progressive in order to obscure the Islamist-run network and to appeal to younger people in the West.
Despite Hasan's Jew hatred, anti-American stance, and homophobic rants, media outlets like the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Sky News still consider him a sweetheart and continue to invite him on their shows.