Dua Lipa is a British pop star of Bosnian descent and currently dating Palestinian-Dutch Model Anwar Hadid, brother of infamous Gigi and Bella Hadid. The Hadid family is one of the biggest and most famous purveyors of antisemitic and anti-Israeli rhetoric on social media in America.
Dua Lipa herself boasts a tremendous audience of over 75 million followers on social media to which she echoes the Hadid's antisemitic messaging. Although Dua Lipa has no connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict other than being Muslim, she proclaims herself as a pro-Palestinian activist.
Shamelessly and without bothering to educate herself on the facts, Dua Lipa has been using her fame to vilify the Jewish nation and its people and to promote antisemitism to her fans. She also failed to post any condemnation of Hamas, the U.S. designated terror group that fired more than 4000 rockets at Israeli civilians over the past few weeks.
Dua Lipa's hateful rhetoric towards Jews became so offensive that The World Values Network organization posted an ad blasting her, along with her boyfriend's two sisters - Gigi and Bella Hadid.
In the full-page New York Times ad, which appeared in a front-and-center spot of the paper's main section, these three "mega-influencers" were publicly named and shamed for falsely "accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing" and "vilifying the Jewish state."
Unlike Hollywood Marvel comic star Mark Ruffalo who educated himself on the facts and immediately apologized for his previous attacks on Israel and the Jewish people, Dua Lipa doubled down on her lies.
Taking to Twitter, she claimed she stood "in solidarity with all oppressed people" and rejects all forms of racism. This was a weak attempt to hide her antisemitic racist views under the guise of "social justice" activism since less than a year ago in June 2020 she shared an Instagram post by fellow Jew-hater Vin Arfuso that referred to Israeli Jews as "fake" and the terrorist group Hamas as an Israeli invention.
Despite serious outcry from Jews and their allies around the world, Dua Lipa failed to apologize for her non factual repost.
Dua Lipa's continued false accusations against the Jewish state are being spread by her to tens of millions around the world and are fueling flames of antisemitism and violence against Jews. Physical attacks against Jews are becoming the new norm as mega-stars like Dua Lipa and the Hadid sisters normalize it.
We must continue working together to call out and hold accountable Jew haterslike Dua Lipa and her circle of antisemitic friends who wish to harm the Jews. It's about time they are publicly shamed for their constant and obsessive vilification of the Jewish people and nation!