Trevor Noah the host of Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show' caused outrage during the past week over his antisemitic rant about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
On Tuesday, May 11th, Noah had shamelessly told millions of his 'Daily Show' viewers that Israel should limit its response to the thousands of Hamas rockets being fired at its civilian population.
He then obscenely compared the deadly conflict to a scuffle between himself and his little brother asking - "As a person who has immensely more power, I had to ask myself whether my response to this child was just or necessary. Could I find different ways to deal with this?"
Noah's twisted view of the conflict from this childish perspective suggests the comedian is quite displeased that not enough Jews were being killed in the fighting.
This by no means is the first time Noah publicly expressed his antisemitic views. In 2009, he tweeted horrific antisemitic tropes including invoking German-Jewish Holocaust trauma, stereotyping Jews as wealthy, and misogynistic sexual commentary.
When Noah was announced as John Stewart's replacement at 'The Daily Show' in 2015, outrage ensued and many called for the Daily Show to rescind their employment offer, citing Noah's past antisemitism and sexism. In a highly disappointing move, Comedy Central stood by their hire and allowed Noah to continue to spew his vitriol against Jews.
Trevor Noah is the perfect example of an influential celebrity who without any ramifications freely spreads both classic antisemitism (on social media) and new antisemitism, disguised as criticism of the State of Israel, to millions of Americans.
We need YOUR help to stop Trevor Noah from spreading his hatred of the Jewish people - contact Robert Bakish President and CEO of Viacom (owner of Comedy Central) and demand Trevor Noah is finally taken off the air!