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More Swastikas Found at the University of Nevada Reno

On Thursday, Oct. 24 around 12 p.m. a swastika was found drawn on a bathroom stall on the first floor of the Raggio building at the University of Nevada, Reno. 

The swastika in the Raggio bathroom is not the first swastika found on campus this semester. On August 24, a swastika was found in Wolf Pack Tower, within a week of the tower’s opening. Additionally, pencil drawn swastikas which were found in the Church Fine Art’s art staircase on Thursday, Oct. 10. They were marked under a statement which read: “Make Racists Afraid Again”.

Marc Johnson sent out a student announcement on Thursday, addressing incidents of hate and bias on campus.

“Use of the swastika today is poisonous. It is a symbol of intimidation and hatred. This symbol is unwanted not only on our campus, but in all civilized places of gathering throughout the world. Every incidence of a reported swastika in a University facility is documented by the Hate and Bias Response Team and investigated by University Police Services,” said Johnson. 

If anyone has any information regarding this incident or any other incidents of hate and bias on campus, they are encouraged to report it to UNRPD.

Hungarian Neo Nazi Attempt to Break Into, Set Fire Jewish Community Center

Dozens of far-right activists converged at the Aurora community center, which was closed at the time, plastering the building with neo-Nazi stickers and setting fire to a rainbow flag at the entrance, local media outlets reported.

Belgian Parade Once Again Shows Its True Antisemitic Colors

Organizers of a parade in Belgium that this year provoked international uproar over alleged anti-Semitism published 150 caricatures mocking Jews ahead of the 2020 event.

The caricatures, some featuring Orthodox Jews with red, hooked noses and golden teeth, were printed on ribbons intended for participants in the annual event, which was added in 2010 to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO.

The condemnations in March over this year’s parade came from Jewish groups as well as UNESCO for featuring a float with giant Orthodox Jewish figures holding money and grinning. One of them had a rat on his shoulder. Revelers danced to a song about money composed by the organizers, who said the float was a protest of rising living costs.

The designer of the 2020 caricatures told Het Laatste Nieuws daily that they target UNESCO’s criticism of last year’s display and are “not against Jews.” He was not named.

One caricature shows a red-headed Orthodox Jew with golden teeth and is captioned: “UNESCO, what a joke.”

Hans Knoop, spokesperson for the Forum on Jewish Organizations of Belgium’s Flemish Region, called the 2020 caricatures “pure provocation” and a “manifestation of anti-Semitism.”

Aalst Mayor Christoph D’Haese and organizers dismissed criticism over March’s display, saying it reflected the spirit of irreverence at the event.

UNESCO is currently deliberating over whether to remove the event from its list over the float. The 2013 event featured prisoners and Nazis holding canisters of poison gas.

Former California Student, Logan Stone, Arrested for Antisemitic & Homophobic Vandalism

Stone was arrested this past Thursday for widespread anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist graffiti discovered throughout the Burlingame High School on September 5th, 2019.