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Petition Calls for 3 Austin Texas High School Students to be Expelled over Racist, Antisemitic Rap Video


Three Austin High School students are under fire for posting a video that included several racial slurs and derogatory remarks. The video, titled "The G.S.* Anthem", features three girls performing an original rap that includes racist slurs and antisemitic language.

The tasteless and despicable nature of the video compelled others to create a petition on Change.org to have the girls expelled from school. 

The petition, started by a fellow student, begins - “Considering the recent civil unrest that has swept our nation following the deaths of innocent black Americans at the hands of white people, the blatant racism and bigotry of these white students can not be ignored.”

According to the petition, it seems as though the Austin High School administration has a history of allowing a racist culture to exist within their hallways. The petition continues, “Austin High School is a school with Austin Independent School District, a district which claims they have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech and racism. Austin High School has been known for allowing racist actions such as the language spoken within the video to slide.”

“Now that there is concrete evidence of their student's horribly racist actions, we must hold both Austin High School and Austin Independent School District responsible for the actions of their students,” Sophie writes. 

The main “rapper,” identified as G.S. in the petition, proudly raps about her “pass” on using the n-word, references picking cotton, and lastly, mentions dating a Jewish man and asks if anyone smells gas — an allusion to gas chambers used during the Holocaust. 

The video, posted on Twitter has now been removed at the request of one of the minor’s mothers. The lyrics to the rap were as follows: 

Hi, my name is G*** S***** and I love to buy White Claws / My sister's boyfriend's J*** M******, I wanna suck his b***s / Always in the Range, give me change, I'll buy you pods / You can be my friend but you might just get a block / My dog is super fluffy and his fur is very white / It consists of all the cotton that you picked for me last night / Yes, I say the n-word but I always have a pass / n***** / Catch me at OHMS, I'll be vapin' in your class / Yes I dated Gus, and yes, he is a Jew / Do I smell gas? / Yeah I think I do!

If the lyrics aren’t enough to shock the system, the video depicts the girls laughing and bouncing along to the music while wearing sunglasses. Social media users, outraged, are calling on famous celebs to retweet the video and demanding all three are expelled from the school.