The victim, Jeff Hornstein, said he and his wife noticed the antisemitic image outside their Dunlap Street home as they returned from dinner around 10:30 p.m. Saturday.
A hardline US antisemitic conspiracy theorist who advocated the “eradication of every Zionist” has died from the very illness that he dismissed as a “hoax.”
"Jewish monkey" or “Scimmia ebrea” was written on one side of the bust depicting the anti-fascist Guglielmo Miliocchi next to the church of Sant'Ercolano.
The woman works at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal has been told by her employer to remove posts from her social media account that included swastikas.
Dr. Shamma Boyarin, who called former ADL CEO Abraham Foxman a “zionist pig” and accused Jews at large of being complicit in genocide, will teach “Introduction to Antisemitism: A Historical Survey of Key Texts from Augustine to Luther”.
Word of the posters, titled “Arayan Nations” and containing racist, antisemitic and homophobic text, spread to media, law enforcement and in various social media discussions this week.
Imam Younus Kathrada attacked Jews and Christians whom he described as "our enemies" in a recent speech delivered at the Islamic Center of Muslim Youth in Victoria, Canada.
The Jewish couple believes they were targeted because of their faith and the police report suggests it’s being looked into as a hate crime; the FBI is now involved.
Samuel Goujon, 36, has been indicted on charges of public insult on the grounds of origin, ethnicity, race or religion; public provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence; and public provocation to commit willful attacks on life.