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Muayad Shahin

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Muayad Shahin is a Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) 2021 graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Music. He currently works at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Center and in May 2021 he announced he "just applied to med school".

Shahin openly spreads his antisemitic views on Twitter, calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, and expressing violent tendencies towards Jews.

  • Comparing Jews to Nazis - Shahin tweeted that "asking Palestinians to live peacefully with isr*elis is like asking Jews to live peacefully with Nazis". Such comparison is clearly antisemitic according to the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism.

  • Tweeting that Jews should go back to Europe - such statements are reminiscent of the antisemitic calls from the '40s for Jews to "go back home."

  • Questioning Jewish loyalty - Shahin tweeted "I truly don't think yall understand how many of them have dual citizenship elsewhere in Europe and the US…" This obscene "dual loyalty" trope is often used by antisemites such as David Duke and Ilhan Omar.

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Stating that he drank a celebratory alcohol shot "to the destruction of isr*el LMFAOO."

  • Tweeting that Israel is cancer and asking "why would you not want to remove a cancerous body?"

  • Posting pictures of himself holding slogans that call for the destruction of Israel such as "from the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free." In 2018, Marc Lamont Hill was fired from CNN for using this slogan.

Shahin has also expressed violent tendencies towards Jews:

  • While he was a student at CWRU and sitting next to a Jewish woman in a coffee shop, he tweeted "sitting in close proximity to a zi*nist. Struggling to contain myself".

  • A week prior, he tweeted he never felt closer to Allah "than when I made this zi*nist at school cry".

In 2019, the Cleveland Clinic fired Doctor Lara Kollab, a supervised Resident who had been posting antisemitic content on social media, after the State Medical Board of Ohio, who investigated Kollab stated: Malicious acts and attitudes toward any population go against the Medical Practices Act and are denounced by the board."

Muayad Shahin's hate has no place in medical research and/or being a medical doctor. We need YOUR help to stop him - please email Serpil Erzurum, Chair of the Lerner Research Center, and demand the Center investigates Shahin's hateful antisemitism!

Lamis Deek

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Lamis Deek is a Palestinian-American Lawyer and a former board member of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) from New York who openly supports terror organizations such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and the PFLP, endorses violent intifada (uprising) against Jews, and spreads horrific lies about the Jewish nation.

Deek is an ardent supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. She is a co-founder of the Al-Awda New York chapter which is a part of the anti-Israel hate network established by our previous ‘Antisemite of the Week’ Abbas Hamideh. Abbas is a supporter of terror organizations and known for advocating for violence against Jews and killing of Israelis.

She is also affiliated with groups that are dedicated to intimidating and terrorizing Jewish students on college campuses such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

Deek is a known to also promote anti-American sentiments. In 2012 she claimed that the world media and press, and even cartoons such as Bugs Bunny, were perpetuating racist anti-Islamic notions. She also accused the U.S. Department of Defense of financing anti-Islamic propaganda films.

In 2018, Deek shamefully tweeted condolences for killed Hamas terrorists who operated Gaza's terror tunnel network stating "LONG LIVE NOUR BARAKEH, MOUSTAPHA ODEH AND ALL PALESTINIAN MARTYRS."

In May 2021, as antisemitic attacks against Jews in America were skyrocketing, Deek outrageously posted antisemitic libel to social media stating that Israel kidnaps and tortures Palestinian children on a daily basis. These vile and baseless claims create a dangerous domino effect, furthering hatred and violence towards Jewish people and putting them in danger.

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This past week, Deek caused outrage as she targeted a Jewish man who was relocating to Israel. She stood outside his house shouting false and antisemitic accusations against him and the Jewish people through a megaphone.

Deek falsely accused the man of invading Palestinian homes and engaging "in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians." She also absurdly claimed that Jews move to Israel from America, Canada, and Europe in order to commit war crimes. She then pointed to the man's home, referred to him as a criminal, and posted a fake eviction notice on his door.


We need YOUR help to stop Lamis Deek from targeting and defaming Jews in America - please email the Attorney Grievance Committee of the First Judicial Department (AGC) and demand she is investigated for antisemitism and targeted harassment of Jews.

Ken Roth

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Ken Roth serves as the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), a global NGO with an annual budget exceeding $90 million USD, known for its antisemitic bias.

Roth, the son of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, is the typical self-hating Jew who has transformed HRW into an obsessive platform for targeting Israel and under his leadership, HRW dedicates disproportionate efforts to isolate the Jewish state and attack it through false allegations of “war crimes” and “collective punishment”.

Roth refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and often accuses the Jewish nation of false human rights violations and apartheid. Abe Foxman, the previous head of the ADL, referred to Roth's rhetoric as a reflection of "classic antisemitic stereotype about Jews”.

He also repeatedly defends the terror organization Hamas, covers up its war crimes, and justifies its various avenues of killing and kidnapping Israelis, including through terror tunnels.

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Ken Roth's obsession with the Jewish nation has gone so overboard that HRW's founder, Robert Bernstein, accused Roth of abandoning HRW's original mission and instead focusing on Israel, trying to turn it into a pariah state. For example, HRW under Roth published nearly twice as many reports on Israel’s alleged human rights abuses as it did on Iran between 1993 and 2017.

Roth's vile obsessions with the Jewish nation dates many years back including:

  • In 2009, Roth denied that Hamas stores weapons in residential and business areas of Gaza despite evidence proving otherwise.

  • Roth has accused Jews of being fascists and compared Zionism to white supremacy.

  • Roth has shamefully compared Israel to some of the worst human rights abusers in the world including Cuba, Venezuela, and Sudan.

  • Roth is an ardent supporter of the antisemitic BDS movement and often criticizes legislation enacted by several U.S. states forbidding boycotts against the Jewish nation. To date, 35 states have such laws.

In April of this year, HRW under Roth continued its quest to isolate and vilify Israel, publishing a massively flawed report filled with double standards and false accusations. The report was authored by Omar Shakir, a previous 'Antisemite of the Week', who was barred from entering Israel due to his vile bigotry. This week, Roth followed up with another report filled with falsehoods about Israel's 11-day military escalation with Hamas in May.

Earlier this month, Ken Roth had the audacity to blame the skyrocketing antisemitism in the United Kingdom on the Jewish Nation. After causing massive outrage, even amongst some of his most loyal supporters, he deleted a tweet in which he blamed the author of the article he linked and the users for not understanding his true intentions. This wasn't Roth's first time blaming Jew-hatred on the Jews. In 2014, he tweeted nearly the same message blaming the antisemitism in Germany on "Israel's conduct in Gaza".

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Hostility and hypocrisy are Ken Roth's hallmark traits when it comes to the Jewish people and nation. While HRW under his leadership keeps tabs on human rights abuses in 100 countries around the world, Roth obscenely focuses most of his work and social media vitriol on Israel while ignoring actual global atrocities.

Most troubling is Roth's role at the United Nations. Despite his antisemitic bias he continues to be viewed as an expert on the Israel/Palestinian conflict. He will be front and center at this year's Durban Conference, an international Israel-bashing session taking place this September, where he will be able to spread his antisemitism to a larger global audience.

Anuradha Mittal

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Anuradha Mittal is the driving force behind Ben & Jerry’s decision to boycott over 800,000 Jews who live in 140 communities in various parts of Israel. Mittal serves as head of Ben & Jerry's Board of Directors and Vice President of Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Inc. and has a long history of supporting antisemitic causes and pushing narratives vilifying the Jewish nation.

In addition to her role at Ben & Jerry’s, Mittal is also the Founder and Executive Director of the Oakland Institute, a policy think tank with a strong anti-Israel stance. In 2017, Mittal co-authored a series of 9 reports by the Oakland Institute called "Palestine for Land & Life." The reports falsely accused Israel of apartheid, colonialism, and land grabbing.

Mittal also uses her role at the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation to funnel money through the Oakland Institute to fund antisemitic projects such as Badil, a Palestinian group with ties to terror and a history of vile Jew-hatred that includes publishing Nazi-era cartoons.

Badil's cartoon published May 2010

Badil's cartoon published May 2010

Mittal twitter’s account which has more than 100 anti-Israel tweets has one specifically describing the creation of the Jewish nation as a "catastrophe."

She also often posts in support of the antisemitic Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement on her personal Twitter account. She also has called for the U.S. government to end aid to Israel and has supported Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s obscene antisemitic statements.

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In 2018, under Mittal's leadership, Ben & Jerry's caused outrage by partnering with notorious antisemite Linda Sarsour. When confronted about her Jew-hatred the company responded that "the work Linda has done ... is important and we are proud to join her in her effort."


Most telling of the depth of her hatred, are Mittal's tweets which revealed that she wanted Ben & Jerry’s to boycott the entire State of Israel and not just the "occupied Palestinian territories" but Unilever, the parent of Ben & Jerry's, opposed such move.

According to anti-BDS legislation adopted by 35 U.S. states, states are required to financially divest from or cut ties with companies involved in the boycott of Israel. As such, Ben & Jerry’s and potentially its parent company Unilever, are subject to divestment and other legal consequences. Five states are currently exploring legal avenues pertaining to this issue and more are to follow.

We need YOUR help - email Unilever's CEO Alan Jope and demand Ben and Jerry's boycott of Israel is reversed, an apology is issued and Anuradha Mittal immediately removed from both of her positions with Ben and Jerry's.

James Strick - The Intolerant Professor

James Strick is a Professor and Program Chair of Environmental Studies and the Program Chair of Science, Technology and Society at Franklin & Marshall College (F&M) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He is an ardent supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and has a track record of defending campus activities and groups that attack and harass students supporting the State of Israel.

Activists of the BDS movement have committed previous attacks against Jews in many universities and bear first and utmost responsibility for the transformation of anti-Israel vilification into the antisemitic violent attacks we have seen in recent weeks in major American cities.

Last month Strick was one of 24 other signatories from F&M that penned an atrocious one sided letter vilifying the Jewish State. The letter neglected to mention the 4500 plus Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, the millions of Israelis that were forced to live in bomb shelters for 11 days, and the Israelis murdered by the hands of Hamas. The letter also outlandishly claimed "The brutal system that controls Occupied Palestinian Territories is ideologically founded upon Jewish supremacy."

"Jewish supremacy" is a spinoff of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels' term of "Jewish mastery", coined by one of America's biggest antisemites David Duke in 2003, and has been picked up by antisemites including Linda Sarsour. The phrase "Jewish supremacy" is brazen antisemitism and is indicative of the obsessive, distorted hatred one has for the Jewish people.

This wasn't the first time James Strick singed onto a letter isolating the Jewish nation; in 2018 he joined a group of BDS activists demanding that the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) not hold its annual conference in Tel Aviv. The conference was not being held in Judea and Samaria but rather the epicenter of the state of Israel.

In 2017 Strick also signed onto a letter condemning a decision by Fordham University’s Dean to block the establishment of a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter, a grossly antisemitic club that often creates toxic and dangerous environments for Jewish students on campus.

James Strick’s specialties lie in science and technology, not Middle Eastern studies and history. He has no academic or clinical background in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, yet has no problem throwing around horrific antisemitic terms such as "Jewish supremacy."

James Strick has no interest in promoting peace or interfaith dialogue. He is a Jew-hater with a goal to delegitimize the Jewish State of Israel by spreading antisemitic rhetoric in the name of social justice.

Cynthia McKinney

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Former Georgia Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney caused outrage earlier this week after tweeting an antisemitic trope. In her post, she accused Jews of being behind the 9/11 terror attack.

McKinney shared a picture of the Twin Towers burning, with a hand slotting in a puzzle piece with the word "Zionists" written across it, to make up the full sentence "Zionists did it." She captioned the tweet "The Final Piece of the Puzzle."

After numerous complaints, Twitter removed the horrific post but reinstated it after McKinney appealed, citing it was not antisemitic but rather "strong political commentary".

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This wasn't the first time McKinney shared her ridiculous antisemitic accusations that Jews were behind 9/11 on social media.

Back in 2016, after the terror attack in Nice, France, McKinney tweeted an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that "Same Israeli photographer captures Nice and Munich tragedies. How likely is that? Remember the Dancing Israelis?" The photographer in question, Richard Gutjahr, is not Israeli and her reference to 'Dancing Israelis' refers to a conspiracy theory about five Israeli men who were detained by police in New Jersey on Sept. 11, 2001, after allegedly being caught filming the attack on the World Trade Center. This conspiracy is often used by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

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In May 2020, McKinney shared a link to a Haaretz article questioning, in a vile display of Holocaust denial, that 6 million Jews were actually killed in the Holocaust.

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In January 2020, following a U.S. military strike that killed Iranian mega terrorist Qasem Soleimani, McKinney took to Twitter posting another antisemitic trope on Jewish world dominance: "Guaranteed: Trump’s statement about Soleimani and Iran was written in Israel. Donald Trump [is a] Zionist puppet."

McKinney doesn't keep her antisemitism and bigotry contained to online rantings but physically acts on them. She participated in two attempts to breach the Israeli naval blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip and has personally met with representatives of Hezbollah and Hamas terror groups.

Thankfully Cynthia McKinney is not getting a pass for her Jew-hatred. Lt. Governor of Georgia hopeful Butch Miller announced on Twitter he will be introducing legislation that will rename a road in DeKalb named after the antisemitic former member of Congress!

CJ Werleman

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CJ Werleman is an Australian-American radical social media figure, a contributor to several antisemitic media channels such as Al Jazeera, Middle East Eye, and Mondoweiss, and the author of a highly contested book "God Hates You. Hate Him Back". Werleman deeply despises the Jewish people and the State of Israel and often posts vile antisemitic lies and conspiracy theories on his media and social media platforms.

This past week, Werleman took to Youtube and Twitter to spread horrific antisemitic lies claiming that Israel rapes and tortures children.

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CJ Werleman pushes antisemitic content and spreads disinformation claiming human rights violations by Israel in the West bank and Gaza. On his YouTube channel, Werleman made several ludicrous claims stating that Israeli security forces and Jews from Judea and Samaria sexually and physically abuse Palestinian children.

Describing Israel as a totalitarian state, he then falsely claimed that at least 45 Palestinian children are harassed every month in detention centres by Israel Defence Forces. Werleman's fabrications didn't stop there and he went as far as claiming that the IDF often kidnaps Muslim kids and rapes them in detention centres.

According to Jerusalem Post reporter Michael Starr, Werleman uses an inactive website named "Voice of Dissent India" as his source of information. This website cites information from an NGO named 'Palestinian Prisoners Club' (PPC). According to Starr, a search of PPC's website and Facebook page doesn’t show any reports of detainee abuse.

PPC does however appear to be staffed by former members of the terrorist group Fatah and supported by the Palestinian Authority's 'Ministry of Prisoners'. Thus, CJ Werleman is in fact a mouthpiece for terrorists who spreads blood libel against Jews and Indian Hindus.

This by no means is Werleman's first time spreading falsehoods against Jews. For example:

  • Earlier this month he falsely claimed Israeli forces arrested a 7-year-old Palestinian girl at her school.

  • In May 2021, he fabricated translation subtitles of Israeli children speaking to make it seem like they want to murder Arabs.

  • In January 2021, he was caught sharing a blatant lie claiming that a pilot from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) refused to fly to Israel. He deleted his false post after being exposed by Emirates Airlines, the official airlines for the UAE.


CJ Werleman is an obscene antisemite that spreads dangerous lies about Jews to nearly a million people on YouTube and Twitter.

We need YOUR help to stop him from spreading his hatred - please report his Twitter account here and his YouTube video here for 'hateful and abusive content'.

Ron Unz


Ron Unz is a businessman from California and publisher of 'The Unz Review', a website that promotes vile antisemitic conspiracy theories and white supremacist materials.

Unz Review writers, including Unz himself, have spread lies about Judaism, Holocaust denial, and other horrific antisemitic canards. They have also praised the infamous antisemitic propaganda publication 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.

A few examples of Unz's obsessive Jew-hatred include:

  • In 2107, Unz published an article on his website titled "America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars: Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?" accusing Jews of trying to pull America into a war with Iran. The piece was shared widely on social media including by antisemitic ex-CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson.


In 2018, Unz authored a piece titled "American Pravda: Holocaust Denial" questioning the severity and existence of the Holocaust.

  • In 2018, Unz authored another piece titled "American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion" absurdly claiming that "ruthless Jewish businessmen" were seizing control of mass-media technologies invented and pioneered by Gentiles.

  • In 2019, Unz ran a story on his website titled "Trump Woos Jews, Jews Impeach Trump" arguing that "the impeachment farce is basically a Jewish affair." Fellow antisemite Rick Wiles was simultaneously pushing the same agenda.

Unz frequently uses his website to attack Judaism and the Jewish people. A few of his public statements include:

  • Jews "pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God."

  • Jews believe that "the primary reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve as the slaves of Jews."

  • Judaism permits Jews to murder non-Jews with impunity.

  • Judaism’s disdain for the lives of non-Jews has inspired Israel to traffic in illegal organs.

Ron Unz also endorsed 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion', a supposed Jewish plot to take over the world which has been recognized as a vile antisemitic forgery. Unz claims it was based on true events and that the author must have been "someone who was generally familiar with the secretive machinations of elite international Jews against the existing governments."

In addition, Unz utilizes his financial success to donate to multiple outlets which spread Jew-hatred including Alison Weir's 'If America Knew' and Mondoweiss. Mondoweiss's publications often express support for terrorist organizations, spread antisemitism, and deny Jewish history and peoplehood. The outlet is also known for boasting a vast array of antisemitic contributors including Olivia Katbi Smith and Steven Salaita.

Notorious antisemites such as David Duke and Kevin MacDonald have taken particular delight in Unz’s anti-Jewish views and often republish and promote his work.

We need YOUR help to stop Ron Unz from spreading his hatred - please submit an abuse report with Cloudfare, the host provider for Unz's website - https://www.unz.com/ here.

Mia Khalifa

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Mia Khalifa is a Lebanese-American former porn star. She has been spending the last few weeks bashing Israel and espousing horrific antisemitic rhetoric and conspiracy theories to her 25 million followers on Instagram and Twitter.

After Instagram removed a fake photo Khalifa posted of an alleged Israeli soldier pointing a gun at a Palestinian child she reposted the same photo on Twitter implying that the removal of her Instagram post was because Jews and the State of Israel control America and social media through funding. Such Jewish global domination and funding conspiracy theories are clear antisemitism under the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism and commonly widespread amongst white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

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When Israeli-American Hollywood star Gal Gadot took to Instagram and posted a message condemning the violent conflict initiated by Hamas and calling for peace Khalifa took to Twitter calling Gadot 'Genocide Barbie', falsely insinuating that Jews are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.

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Shortly thereafter Khalifa once again took to social media posting a photo of herself drinking Nazi era champagne from 1943 with the caption 'My wine is older than your apartheid "state"', in an obvious attempt to delegitimize the Jewish Nation.

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In a response to a user who accurately commented that "Israel is the only country in the Middle East where [she] wouldn’t be stoned to death in the street" in reference to her porn career, Khalifa once again demonstrated that her pro-Palestinian activism is just a disguise for her antisemitism by providing the uneducated reply "I’ll take my chances in Saudi and Syria".

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So how did this failed porn star turned into a pro-Palestinian activist overnight? One of Khalifa's anti-Israel tweets might shed some light on the matter - in a post criticizing President Biden for supporting Israel, Khalifa forgot to remove the words 'Send tweet' indicating that she was given an instruction to post the tweet and most likely was paid to promote this hateful content.

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This is not the first time Khalifa is involved in such an obscene paid campaign. She previously participated in a social media push against India allegedly sponsored by Khalistani terrorists.

Not surprisingly, Mia Khalifa's dangerous vilification of Jews is being endorsed by Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Notorious antisemite Andrew Anglin published a piece in the Daily Stormer praising Khalifa's attack on Jews and referring to Nazis as "pretty cool guys and very respectful and friendly".

We need YOUR help to put a stop to Khalifa's antisemitism and remove this vile bigot who spreads hatred for money from social media - please report her Instagram and Twitter accounts here and here.

Dua Lipa

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Dua Lipa is a British pop star of Bosnian descent and currently dating Palestinian-Dutch Model Anwar Hadid, brother of infamous Gigi and Bella Hadid. The Hadid family is one of the biggest and most famous purveyors of antisemitic and anti-Israeli rhetoric on social media in America.

Dua Lipa herself boasts a tremendous audience of over 75 million followers on social media to which she echoes the Hadid's antisemitic messaging. Although Dua Lipa has no connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict other than being Muslim, she proclaims herself as a pro-Palestinian activist.

Shamelessly and without bothering to educate herself on the facts, Dua Lipa has been using her fame to vilify the Jewish nation and its people and to promote antisemitism to her fans. She also failed to post any condemnation of Hamas, the U.S. designated terror group that fired more than 4000 rockets at Israeli civilians over the past few weeks.

Dua Lipa's hateful rhetoric towards Jews became so offensive that The World Values Network organization posted an ad blasting her, along with her boyfriend's two sisters - Gigi and Bella Hadid.

In the full-page New York Times ad, which appeared in a front-and-center spot of the paper's main section, these three "mega-influencers" were publicly named and shamed for falsely "accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing" and "vilifying the Jewish state."

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Unlike Hollywood Marvel comic star Mark Ruffalo who educated himself on the facts and immediately apologized for his previous attacks on Israel and the Jewish people, Dua Lipa doubled down on her lies.

Taking to Twitter, she claimed she stood "in solidarity with all oppressed people" and rejects all forms of racism. This was a weak attempt to hide her antisemitic racist views under the guise of "social justice" activism since less than a year ago in June 2020 she shared an Instagram post by fellow Jew-hater Vin Arfuso that referred to Israeli Jews as "fake" and the terrorist group Hamas as an Israeli invention.


Despite serious outcry from Jews and their allies around the world, Dua Lipa failed to apologize for her non factual repost.

Dua Lipa's continued false accusations against the Jewish state are being spread by her to tens of millions around the world and are fueling flames of antisemitism and violence against Jews. Physical attacks against Jews are becoming the new norm as mega-stars like Dua Lipa and the Hadid sisters normalize it.

We must continue working together to call out and hold accountable Jew haterslike Dua Lipa and her circle of antisemitic friends who wish to harm the Jews. It's about time they are publicly shamed for their constant and obsessive vilification of the Jewish people and nation!

Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah the host of Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show' caused outrage during the past week over his antisemitic rant about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On Tuesday, May 11th, Noah had shamelessly told millions of his 'Daily Show' viewers that Israel should limit its response to the thousands of Hamas rockets being fired at its civilian population.

He then obscenely compared the deadly conflict to a scuffle between himself and his little brother asking - "As a person who has immensely more power, I had to ask myself whether my response to this child was just or necessary. Could I find different ways to deal with this?"

Noah's twisted view of the conflict from this childish perspective suggests the comedian is quite displeased that not enough Jews were being killed in the fighting.

This by no means is the first time Noah publicly expressed his antisemitic views. In 2009, he tweeted horrific antisemitic tropes including invoking German-Jewish Holocaust trauma, stereotyping Jews as wealthy, and misogynistic sexual commentary.

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When Noah was announced as John Stewart's replacement at 'The Daily Show' in 2015, outrage ensued and many called for the Daily Show to rescind their employment offer, citing Noah's past antisemitism and sexism. In a highly disappointing move, Comedy Central stood by their hire and allowed Noah to continue to spew his vitriol against Jews.

Trevor Noah is the perfect example of an influential celebrity who without any ramifications freely spreads both classic antisemitism (on social media) and new antisemitism, disguised as criticism of the State of Israel, to millions of Americans.

We need YOUR help to stop Trevor Noah from spreading his hatred of the Jewish people - contact Robert Bakish President and CEO of Viacom (owner of Comedy Central) and demand Trevor Noah is finally taken off the air!

Shaun King


Shaun King is a central figure in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Throughout his history as a racial justice activist, King has made numerous controversial antisemitic and anti-American statements.

He compared America's early leaders to Nazis and openly defended well-known antisemites such as Linda Sarsour, Louis Farrakhan, and our 2019 Antisemite of the Year - Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

In 2017, King referred to Linda Sarsour as "one of the most effective, skilled, passionate organizers in the world". Just a short time later, Sarsour was kicked out of the Women's March movement over her antisemitism. In March 2020, King encouraged people to buy Sarsour's new book calling it a "MUST READ", despite her well-known antisemitic and hateful opinions of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

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King argued that his support of notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan has "nothing to do with antisemitism" and referred to him as a "lifesaver". When asked to condemn Farrakhan's bigotry, King refused.

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King also frequently praises and defends Jew-hating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In 2019, after Omar used an antisemitic trope claiming that U.S. leaders were paid by an Israeli lobby group, King stated that Democrats should feel "shame" for not defending Omar and called the attack on her "bigoted and dangerous". A few months later, he praised Omar, tweeting she was a person "for hope and change".


This week, as Israel is under a vicious attack by Hamas, Shaun King took to social media attempting to justify Palestinian violence and spreading falsehood to millions of his followers by implying that Israel is the aggressor and denying her legitimate right to defend herself.


Shaun King maybe sees himself as a social justice warrior but in fact, he's a bigoted antisemite who vilifies Jews and openly supports antisemitism and violence against Jews.

Like many Jew-haters, he has no interest in Palestinian rights or justice; his ultimate goal is to promote hatred of the Jewish people and see the destruction of their nation.

We need YOUR help to help put a stop to his hatred - if you are on Instagram, please report his account here.

Craig Longley


At first glance, Craig Longley appears to be an obscure chiropractor from Denver who performs spine adjustments and neck-cracking procedures. In fact, using the pseudonym of InevitableET, or IET, he is one of the biggest antisemites and a devoted supporter of the troublesome Q’Anon movement.


After treating his patients, Longley goes home to run his antisemitic conspiracy Telegram channel, InevitableET, as well as his hate-filled Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. His content focuses almost entirely on vilifying the Jewish people and Holocaust denial.

Longly used his main Twitter account to participate in the "Blue the Jew" campaign in which antisemites photoshop images of Jewish people blue.


This technique was developed by white supremacists in order to disseminate hateful antisemitic visual clues while avoiding triggering hate speech rules on social media platforms.


On his backup Twitter account, Longley often used ((( ))), which is a code amongst white supremacists and neo-Nazis referring to Jews. For example, in 2018 Longley tweeted about the potential removal of Jews from the White House when Trump is no longer in office.


On his Instagram platform Longley:

  • Claimed Jews were attempting to enslave the world.

  • Endorsed materials from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an infamous antisemitic conspiracy theory from the early 20th century used by Jew-haters such as David Duke.

  • Referred to the Rothschild family as the "Synagogue of Satan"; antisemitic rhetoric often invoked by the Nation of Islam and notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan.


After being suspended from Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, Longley moved his focus to Telegram where he amassed a sizable audience of 200,000 followers and continues to express his vicious antisemitism.

This antisemitic bigot is still treating patients - we need YOUR help to revoke his chiropractor license. Please file a complaint to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency, Division of Professions and Occupations by completing the following steps:

1. Click HERE

2. Search for Craig Longley


3. Click "Detail" on one of the search results


4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "File Complaint"

5. Follow the next steps shown on the screen to file the complaint.

*The website allows you to file a complaint anonymously.


Omar Shakir

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Omar Shakir is the Israel and Palestine “Country” Director at Human Rights Watch (HRW), a multimillion-dollar international non-governmental organization that purportedly conducts research and advocacy on human rights.

With a $76M budget and not fully transparent funding, HRW major donors include the Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Oak Foundation, among others. Despite countless atrocities and human rights violations around the world, HRW's primary focus is on vilifying the State of the Jewish people, Israel.

HWW played a major role in the creation of the eventually discredited Goldstone report, submitting numerous statements to the commission equating Israel to Hamas and falsely accusing Israel of “willfully” killing civilians.

Omar Shakir Joined HRW in 2016, after being a legal fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, an organization that provides legal assistance and training to activists of the antisemitic BDS movement.

Shakir has a long history of antisemitism. He called for the annihilation of the Jewish state, defended antisemites in court, and whitewashed violence against Jews.

  • 2010: During a talk at a UC Irvine event "Apartheid IsReal" Shakir called for the extinction of the State of Israel - "The day comes when the two-state solution collapses, as soon as that happens the State of Israel is finished."

  • 2018: When a senior Hamas official confirmed that nearly all those killed in Gaza during the violent month-long border riots were terrorists, Shakir shamelessly tweeted "Israel maintains a system of entrenched discrimination against Palestinians, but its bullets don't discriminate" insinuating the Jewish state needed to treat bloodthirsty terrorists with white gloves.

  • 2019: Shakir was deported from Israel over his involvement with the antisemitic, terror-affiliated BDS movement.

Last week, Omar Shakir in his official capacity at the HRW authored a horrific report once again vilifying the Jewish state. The report is filled with outrageous lies and repulsive attempts to hoist America's racial justice issues onto Israel. Shakir made an effort to make the Jewish man on the left below appear "white" and the Palestinian woman on the right below appear "brown", masterfully hiding the fact that Israel's Jewish population is comprised of majority Mezrahi/Sephardic Jews (brown) vs. Ashkenazi (white-passing) Jews.


Shakir also took to Twitter to post about the current riots in Jerusalem. Rather than being honest and exposing the Arab youth gangs terrorizing the city's Jewish population, Shakir once again vilified the Jews and attempted to bring in irrelevant American social justice issues - this time police brutality - into the picture. He was instantly called out by us for deceivingly posting a photo from the 2015 riots. Despite being exposed for blatantly lying, he has yet to remove the tweet.


Omar Shakir is a dishonest antisemite who works in a dishonest antisemitic organization (HRW). Both share a mission to vilify the Jewish people and their homeland nation at any cost.

Jew haters like Shakir have mastered the art of antisemitism - rather than targeting the Jew as an individual, they target Jews collectively via the Jewish state and vilify Israel; this new form of contemporary antisemitism was discussed in our report "The New Anti-Semites".

Enforcing the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of antisemitism is the sole tool that will hold antisemites like Omar Shakir accountable for their bigotry towards the Jewish people.

Burt Colucci

Burt Colucci arrest photo, Arizona April 2021

Burt Colucci arrest photo, Arizona April 2021

Burt Colucci is an American neo-Nazi and leader of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), once one of the largest white supremacist groups in America founded in 1974 as a splinter group from the American Nazi Party.

Colucci took power of NSM in 2019 when longtime leader Jeff Schoep stepped down and denounced antisemitism and racism. Colucci immediately changed the logo of the group to include a swastika.

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This past weekend, Colucci and his fellow NSM members organized and participated in a neo-Nazi rally in Chandler, AZ (a suburb of Phoenix) to mark Adolf Hitler's birthday. Colucci was photographed participating in the ripping apart of the Israeli flag together with Ronald Murray, a member of an allied neo-Nazi group '14 First'.

An altercation between Colucci and a group of black men later occurred at the rally where Colucci allegedly drew a gun and threatened the men. Colucci was subsequently arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and released on a $2,500 bail.

According to the police report, Colucci claimed he had merely brought his semi-automatic pistol into a "low ready" position, but the victims maintained that he had aimed it at them and threatened to kill them.

Burt Colucci, circled in red, watching and smiling as 14 First member Ronald Murray (right) tears apart the Israeli Flag

Burt Colucci, circled in red, watching and smiling as 14 First member Ronald Murray (right) tears apart the Israeli Flag

This wasn't the first time Colucci had altercations that required police intervention. At a 2019 NSM rally in Michigan, Colucci and other NSM members protested Detroit’s Motor City Pride Festival, carrying guns and shouting homophobic and antisemitic slurs.

Police were called and the NSM group was moved to a designated protest area. Members of the group shouted obscenities at festival attendees and one NSM member (Mike Schloar), posed as if he were urinating on an Israeli flag. Colucci created event “souvenirs” by tearing the flag to pieces. Participants also chanted white supremacist slogans and obscenities including "Sieg Heil", "white power" and "Jews will not replace us" until eventually forced to leave by law enforcement.

Burt Colucci, center, at the 2019 Detroit protest

Burt Colucci, center, at the 2019 Detroit protest

Thankfully, under Burt Colucci's leadership, the NSM's membership has drastically decreased to just a few dozen members. However, to increase his power and popularity, Colucci started collaborating more and more with '14 First', headed up by fellow neo-Nazi Eddie McBride. McBride claims he does not support violence but was present during Colucci's gun incident which led to his recent arrest.

Eddie McBride (left circled) and Burt Colucci (right circled) together at the Chandler, Arizona neo-Nazi rally

Eddie McBride (left circled) and Burt Colucci (right circled) together at the Chandler, Arizona neo-Nazi rally

Neo-Nazis continue to be a threat to modern society. Help us fight them! If you have been exposed to Neo-Nazi content or activities in person or online please submit a report here.

"The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews" - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Richard Falk

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Richard Falk is a retired Princeton Professor and disgraced ex-UN official. He was officially denounced by the United Kingdom on at least three separate occasions for antisemitism.

In 2011, then British Prime Minister David Cameron and the ADL strongly condemned Falk’s publication of an antisemitic cartoon; the image showed a dog wearing a Jewish head-covering urinating on a depiction of justice, and devouring a bloody skeleton.

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In 2012, the British Foreign Office condemned Falk for providing the cover endorsement of an antisemitic book that describes Jews as Nazis and which further asks whether "Hitler might have been right after all."

In 2013, the United Nations condemned Falk’s comments which blamed the Boston terrorist attack on "the American global domination project" and "Tel Aviv."

In 2014, UN Watch detailed Falk’s blog filled with crude antisemitic comments by contributors whom he defends and praises, such as -

  • "The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] is an uncannily accurate description of what is happening right now."

  • "The world is beginning to understand just how toxic Jewish religious practice and cultural indoctrination really is."

  • "Judaism is a pyramid scheme of social shaming leading to great accumulation of wealth by those at the apex."

In the summer of 2017, the Jerusalem Post discovered Falk was part of an antisemitic Facebook group called 'Shoah (Palestinian Holocaust)' whose aim was to end the "Zio-Nazi oppression" and "environmental destruction of Palestine". The group was found to often share antisemitic imagery depicting global Jewry and Israel as one in the same.

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Falk is also a proponent of terrorism against the Jewish state; in fact his promotion of the terror group Hamas was so extreme that the Palestinian Authority sought to expel him from the United Nations.

As a self-hating Jew, Richard Falk is currently doing his best to continue espousing hatred toward the Jewish people whenever possible.

In an attempt to undermine and discredit the U.S. Department of State approved International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, Richard Falk and other useful Jewish idiots have recently endorsed and pushed for the adoption of the 'Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism' which carves out a space for like minded antisemites to advocate for the elimination of the Jewish state without being accused of Jew hatred.

For example, the comparison of Israeli policies with the Nazi extermination of 6 million Jews is not in and of itself antisemitic, according to this distorted definition. Nor is it antisemitic to call for the erasure of Israel as a Jewish, democratic state. These erroneous claims demonstrate just how much the IHRA definition is needed.

Richard Falk has sanitized and endorsed antisemitism for decades. He is the last person to give any validity to what is and isn't considered antisemitism.

We need YOUR help to stop Falk and bigots like him - if you or someone you know works in academia, please join over 450 academics from around the world in supporting the IHRA definition of antisemitism by clicking here.


Together we can put a stop to antisemitism and make our country safer for the Jewish people!

Nathan Damigo

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Nathan Damigo is a promoter of antisemitic conspiracy theories and founder of Identity Evropa (IE), an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist group that focused on the preservation of “white American culture” and promoting white European identity.

While serving four years in prison for armed robbery, Damigo was radicalized by reading the works of David Duke and Jared Taylor and became a committed ethno-nationalist. After prison, Damigo enrolled at California State University, Stanislaus (Stanislaus State University), where he was a Social Science major as of August 2017.

IE, which was founded in 2016 by Damigo, is known for its antisemitic leadership, for partnering with other white nationalist organizations and for its disruptions at public rallies. A slogan often used by the organization "You Will Not Replace Us" was used as a call to action against minorities. The chant became well-known following the violent Charlottesville, Virginia rally when participants chanted "Jews will not replace us!"

In 2019, IE change its branding to the American Identity Movement (AIM), in an effort to distance itself from the negative reputation following its participation in the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

  • "If it wasn't clear enough that communism and anarchy are just two sides of the same Jewish shekel."

  • "The negative influence of Jewish power, culture, & political activism on Western Civilization & the European people." in response to a tweet that read: “What would you like me to cover next on the show?"

  • "Anti-whitism is rampant in the Jewish community (you know, the ‘Intolerant left’)."

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Damigo also often spreads white nationalist ideologue and conspiracy theories such as -

  • During an interview by the Young Turks said that white-only states "might perhaps be the ideal" solution for the United States.

  • In the same interview he claimed "we have received a world in which we are being replaced" and went on to criticize American higher education for lauding “diversity".

Like many radicals, Damigo attempts to hide the racism of his positions behind the language of identity politics in order to give it the veneer of legitimacy for mainstream consumption. During an interview with fellow neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, Damigo even admitted to following leftist internet threads and saving comments that people made in order to rework them to promote white identitarianism.

Kicked off every possible social media platform, Nathan Damigo pops up every now and then but seems to have been successfully pushed into the background where he can no longer influence others with his hateful and dangerous rhetoric.