The victim, a 26-year-old man, was chased down by two individuals who then struck him with what police described as an “unknown object,” resulting in a laceration to his head.
Two minors, described as Black and of about 16-17 years of age, rang the doorbell of their victim’s apartment, pretending to be members of the building’s security detail.
In the first tweet the user wrote: “in 2022 i’m gonna finally act upon my desires to kill ALL JEWS JANUARY 3, 2022 IM GONNA SHOOT UP THE SYNAGOGUE MAY GOD PROTECT BUT HE DOESN’T LIKE JEWS ALLAH SHALL PREVAIL”.
Dustin Wilkerson was charged with aggravated criminal damage that reportedly resulted in multiple broken windows and shattered glass at Kol Ami Synagogue over the weekend.
Reports state that the suspect was drunk and in the midst of a heated argument with a woman, believed to be his partner, before he ran up to the Jewish man on the street and punched him in the side of the face.
The group behind the fliers - the Goyim Defense League - attempts to tie the Jewish faith to false conspiracies about the COVID-19 vaccine declaring "every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish."