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Demand the University of California Merced Terminate Antisemitic Professor Abbas Ghassemi

Abbas Ghassemi, is an engineering professor at the University of California Merced. He was recently caught running an atrocious Twitter account where he posted over 2,200 antisemitic and anti-American posts. Earlier this month he deleted the account after his vile conduct was exposed.

Some of his now deleted hateful tweets were published in the media, but as was recently covered by The Washington  Free Beacon, StopAntisemitism.org has obtained and exclusively translated over 2000 of Ghassemi’s deleted tweets which revealed that he is not only a rabid antisemite but is also a passionate supporter of the murderous Iranian regime, and enthusiastically hates America.  

In his tweets, Abbas Ghassemi openly:

  • Mourns the death of Iranian terrorists Qasem Soleimani and Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

  • Supports the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hezbollah: “#Hezbollah is the protector of our goals” – May 3, 2020

  • Endorses violence and terror: “Drop by drop of the blood of the shahids (martyrs) will be the abode of hundreds of other fighters. We are the nation of martyrdom” – November 27, 2020

  • Admires the leader of the terror organization Hezbollah: “We won't leave our weapon, for you oh Nasrallah” – August 13, 2020

  • Demonstrates his despise for American leaders: "The yellow dog is the brother of the jackal" (i.e – they're all the same evil)

  • Demonstrates his hatred for America: “America is corrupt and evil at its roots!!!”  - August 7, 2020

Ghassemi also actively participates in speaking sessions both in person and virtually praising and supporting Iran’s murderous leaders. In June 2020, Ghassemi participated in a webinar titled "Imam Khomeini and His Stance for Justice", where he appeared with a background featuring Ayatollahs Khomeini and Khamenei.


June 2020 Panel Discussion – Imam Khomeini and His Stance for Justice


February 2016 - Lecturing on the background of images of Iran’s Leaders at a conference of a pro-Iran organization

The University of California Merced initially defended Ghassemi’s hateful actions but after public outrage, the school announced an investigation was started.

Abbas Ghassemi’s sickening antisemitism, hatred of America (where he lives for more than 40 years and teaches young impressionable students), and praising of terrorists and the Iranian regime are astonishing. It should instantly disqualify him from teaching at American universities, specifically publicly funded ones like UC Merced.

We are calling YOU to demand UC Merced takes disciplinary action against Ghassemi!

Sign this petition and email the school to demand the University of California Merced sends a clear message against hatred and bigotry by immediately terminating Professor Abbas Ghassemi!

University of California Board of Regents: regentsoffice@ucop.edu

University of California Merced Chancellor Juan Muñoz: chancellormunoz@ucmerced.edu

University of California Merced Engineering Chair Thomas Peterson: tpeterson@ucmerced.edu

Call on the U.S. Department of Education & Georgia State University to Keep Terror-Affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) off U.S. Campuses!


The petition is now closed


What is CAIR’s vision and action plan for U.S Campuses?

“I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”

Ibrahim Hooper, Director of Strategic Communications CAIR

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an American front group for the terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Muslim Brotherhoods, is infiltrating the U.S. education system. Their anti-American agenda is infecting school curriculums, poisoning the minds of our students and our future leaders with Islamist propaganda, antisemitism, and anti-American bias.  

CAIR Georgia is one of the many groups driving these anti-American and antisemitic campaigns. The local CAIR chapter is demanding Georgia State University (GSU) to end its relationship with Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) due to its partnership with Israel.

GILEE was founded in 1992 as a joint project of GSU and local, state, federal and international law enforcement and public safety agencies. The program works to advance U.S. homeland security efforts through counterterrorism training and international cooperation. Israel is one of 25 countries participating in this life-saving program.

CAIR Georgia is led by anti-Israel activist Edward Ahmed Mitchell. Mitchell has come under fire for enforcing his anti-American and antisemitic views in the classroom. CAIR Georgia is allegedly funding and recruiting GSU’s student government members to be the campaign surrogates for CAIR’s antisemitic campaign against GILEE.

Last spring, students recruited by CAIR introduced a resolution urging GSU to withdraw its police department from the GILEE on the basis of its partnership with Israel.

This resolution was not part of a grassroots movement inspired by students. It was professionally drafted by CAIR. Mitchell himself showed up on campus to speak at the student government hearing urging GSU to end its relationship with GILEE. The resolution falsely accused Israeli law enforcement of subjecting Palestinians to racial profiling, indefinite detention, and excessive force.

 While the resolution failed to pass last semester, CAIR is scheming to renew the antisemitic campaign against GILEE during the 2019-2020 academic year. 

This campaign is one of countless efforts by CAIR to implement its anti-American agenda on college campuses and legitimize antisemitism under the veneer of anti-Israel advocacy.  

College campuses should serve their students, not terror-affiliated organizations. 

Sign our petition and call on the U.S. Department of Education and GSU to keep CAIR off our campuses!

Effective Immediately: Stopantisemitism.org Will No Longer Use Change.org to Run its Petitions Due to Censorship

As reported in the Jerusalem Post ,other publications , and on our website a few months ago, Change.org, the multi-million dollar for profit private enterprise, was and still is blatantly censoring StopAntisemitism.org's petition calling on U.S. Attorney Bill Barr and Special Antisemitism Envoy Elan Carr to investigate Hamas’ ties in Congress .

Change.org disabled user searches to the petition on their site, blocked comments, and removed the ability for onsite users to financially promote the petition. While other petitions allow for contributions from signatories, Change.org deactivated that option for ours. Since the petition was launched in March, StopAntisemitism.org has received hundreds of complaints from users stating the ability to sign the petition was not available.


In April, a legal notice on behalf of Stopantisemitism.org was sent to Change.org by Zachor Legal Institute demanding Change.or ceases the censorship immediately. While Change.org admitted it took steps to limit the discoverability of the petition, despite the fact StopAntisemitism.org did not violate any of Change.org’s terms of service, the company has not corrected these issues nor addressed the other allegations outlined in the letter.

As a result, despite being viewed over a quarter of a million times, the petition has garnered just over 56,000 signatures.

Effective July 1st, we enabled a signature option on our website and monitored signature collection compared to Change.org. The results were astonishing and clearly indicated that Change.org, the largest petition site in the U.S., is engaging in biased censorship against our cause.

Thus, going forward, StopAntisemitism.org will no longer use Change.org as a platform for its petitions and will only use its website for the current and future petitions.


Tamika Mallory will deliver a keynote address at the LIPINKSY AUDITORIUM on January 24th, as a part of UNC Asheville’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week. She is a co-president of Women’s March, Inc. with a history of anti-Semitic behavior, which includes invoking anti-Semitic canards and supporting Louis Farrakhan, one of America’s most notorious anti-Semites and the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Temple University - Marc Lamont Hill

Demand Temple University President Richard Englert & the Board of Trustees Follow in CNN’s Footsteps and Fire Anti-Semitic Professor Marc Lamont Hill

Calling for Palestine “from the river to the sea” inevitably means calling for the eradication of the State of Israel and its Jewish citizens, while also echoing the rhetoric of Hamas leaders.

Legal Notice to Change.org

The following Legal Notice was sent to Change.org on April 8, 2019; while Change.org admitted by email on April 3, 2019, that user searches and comments on the petition were disabled, the company has not corrected these issues nor addressed the other allegations. Zachor Legal Institute received a response from Change.org that ignored all substantive questions and concerns raised by its letter.


Grassroots movement delivers nearly 50k signatures that called for cancellation of Anti-Semitic SJP conference at UCLA

Although UCLA proceeded with hosting the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) national conference, Stopantisemitism.org movement vows further action to hold the university accountable and announces the establishment of the Center for Combating Hate in America.


SJP and its founder, Hatem Bazian, a professor at UC Berkeley, focus on Israel bashing, delegitimizing Israel, and idolization of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Help Stop the next Pittsburgh! Tell UCLA To Cancel SJP’S Annual Conference or be held accountable!

Columbia University

For years, Columbia University Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies (MESAAS), was criticized for its anti-Israel sentiment and academic intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israel students.

Columbia University officials still stood by them. Not only did the university continue hiring professors with well documented histories of demonizing Israel and the Jewish people, it also allowed these professors to freely spread their hateful propaganda without leaving any room for more balanced opinions.

Remove anti-Semitic professor Hamid Dabashi

The Pro-Israel American people are gravely concerned that Columbia University continues to provide a platform to a Radical Muslim Professor Hamid Dabashi – a well-known anti-Semite – in its Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies (MESAAS). Dabashi has a well-documented history of demonizing Israel and Jews on social media and in his academic writings: