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Amin Husain


Amin Husain is a Palestinian-American who co-founded one of the most radical anarchists groups in NYC, Decolonize This Place. Husain supports the antisemitic BDS movement as well as NYC Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

In 2015, Amin Husain and his group participated in a rally at the Israeli consulate in New York, co-sponsored by NYC SJP. The rally urged support for a "Day of Rage" and protesters at the rally screamed “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" a well known catch phrase calling for the elimination of the Jewish State.

Also in 2015, while working on a film titled "The Coming Intifada" Husain held a meeting with Khader Adnan, a senior member of the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). PIJ's sole goal is to eliminate the Jewish State by attacking Israeli civilians, sometimes using women and children as suicide bombers.

In 2016, Husain helped lead a pro-BDS "International Day of Al Quds" rally again in NYC. Husain spoke at the rally, confirming he committed violent acts against Jews during the First Intifada: “I was fighting in the first uprising, I was throwing rocks, molotov cocktails, the like." In his speech, Husain also promoted the antisemeitic BDS movement and advocated fighting for "justice" in all the ways possible including violence (Jihad) in America.

Husain is also a big opponent to any type of interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims; in 2016 he posted on Facebook an article titled "The Hidden Dangers of Interfaith Discussions on Palestine and Israel" condemning the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI), sponsored by the Shalom Hartman Institute. MLI was founded by Imam Abdullah Antepli, the first Muslim chaplain at Duke University, as an educational program for Muslim Americans to better engage with American Jews. Huasin signed a statement hosted on Abbas Hamideh's antisemitic news website Al-Awda to express "firm opposition to the resumption of bilateral Israeli-Palestinian negotiations".

Amin Husain also likes to glorify terror and promote convicted terrorists on social media. In the summer of 2016, he supported the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas affiliated terrorist Mohammed Faqih, who murdered Rabbi Michael Mark, calling him a “Palestinian resistance fighter." In 2017 Husain featured a video on his Facebook page (now deleted) that glorified Leila Khaled, a leading member of the terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who participated in the hijacking of two flights.

On January 31st, 2020 Husain's radical group, Decolonize This Place, was center stage as one of the main organizers for the anti-Police protest that shut down and paralyzed Grand Central Station in NYC. The protest immediately turned violent as Husain's followers vandalized turnstiles, urinated on benches, and shattered fair machines.

Despite Amin Husain's radical views and behavior, he continues to teach as an adjunct professor at the Pratt Institute, New York University, and the The New School for Social Research, sharing his frightening beliefs with influential young students.

Richard Ciullo


Richard Ciullo, is a 51 year old convicted felon from Toms River, New Jersey. He is also a vile antisemite, who is behind the antisemitic social media page "Rise Up Ocean County" (RUOC) on Facebook.

Ocean County is located along the Jersey Shore, and is a home to one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities in America.

Since its inception, the focus of the RUOC page has been on spreading Jew hatred with claims that Jews are attempting to take over New Jersey.


The page's obsession with Jews is at times irrational. For example, Ciullo posted an ad from Kars4Kids where he changed the children's faces to Orthodox Jewish children. Kars4Kids is a nonprofit car donation organization with a mission is "to fund educational, developmental and recreational programs for low-income youth”.

Richard_Ciullo_antisemite PM.png

Ciullo's RUOC page also regularly shares antisemitic tropes dating back to the Middle Ages claiming that Jews hate all Non-Jews and women.


Richard Ciullo also expresses paranoia that Jews are taking over Ocean County. Through the RUOC page, he is frequently doxing any Jew having to do with real estate transactions.


As the RUOC page following count grew to nearly 20,000, many Jewish users were complaining about it. Ciullo's answer to the accusations that the page is demonizing Jews and inciting violence was by proclaiming he was not antisemitic, but rather, anti-gentilism (a term used by neo Nazi's like David Duke).


When complaints from non-Jews started to increase, Richard Ciullo via the RUOC page claimed that people were being bribed with Jewish money.


Perhaps one of the most troubling posts on the page is video with Richard Ciullo himself narrating a Holocaust poem, appropriating it to attack Jews.

In February 2019, the Simon Wiesenthal Center drafted an ordinance calling out Rise Up Ocean County. After about a year of complaints to Facebook and New Jersey legislators from various Jewish and interfaith groups, Rise Up Ocean County was finally removed.

With the explosive rise in antisemitic content on social media, we commend Facebook for doing the right thing and removing Richard Ciullo's horrifying page off of their platform and cutting off his ability to spread his horrific conspiracy theories against Orthodox Jews. Too bad it took them so long.

Orla Guerin


Irish born Orla Guerin is an antisemitic journalist and a BBC News reporter. This week, on National Holocaust Remembrance Day, she had the audacity to spew anti-Israel rhetoric while standing in Yad Vashem - a Holocaust Remembrance Museum in Jerusalem, Israel.

In the highly criticized segment, Guerin implies that although Jews overcame the horrors of the Holocaust to now having their own powerful state, they are still playing the victim - "In Yad Vashem’s Hall of Names, images of the dead. Young soldiers troop in to share the binding tragedy of the Jewish people. The State of Israel is now a regional power; for decades it has occupied Palestinian territories."

Guerin’s comment was profoundly antisemitic as she portrayed the Jewish nation as clinging onto the trauma of the Holocaust while taking over someone else’s land. These types of comments have no place in a segment about Holocaust commemoration streamed from Yad Vashem.

The report was criticized by many, including former BBC executives who said, “The attempt to link the horrors of the Holocaust to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply offensive and upsetting [...] Adding insult to injury, the report uses pictures of Holocaust victims in Yad Veshem during the sequence in which this link is made. This is inexplicably and unjustifiably offensive.”

The British Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women asserted that the report would “only serve to feed and fuel antisemitism.”

The BBC has shamefully defended Guerin’s report, claiming that her “brief reference in our Holocaust report to Israel’s position today did not imply any comparison between the two.”

Guerin has a long record of spreading her antisemitism and anti-Israel bias.

In 2004, Guerin portrayed Israel's arrest of suicide bomber Hussam Abdu, captured with explosives strapped to his chest, as "cynical manipulation of a Palestinian youngster for propaganda purposes". Guerin's public attempt to defend a suicide bomber prompted a rare Israeli government complaint to the BBC.

In 2015, her reporting on the surge of Palestinian terror attacks prompted a former BBC chairman to accuse her of inexcusable bias and misleading audiences by failing to acknowledge the involvement of Palestinian terror groups in the attacks.

Despite her record, the BBC network chose to send Guerin out of all of its reporters to Israel to cover the sensitive topic of Holocaust commemoration.

Guerin’s broadcast is a clear example of why news agencies should adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. It is also imperative that the Jewish community deserves an apology from BBC for allowing such hateful propaganda to be inserted in the commemoration of one of the biggest atrocities in human history - the Holocaust.

Rick Wiles


Rick Wiles is a non-denominational, self-appointed senior pastor and belligerent antisemite from Vero Beach, Florida. Wiles uses his fundamentalist Christian streaming YouTube channel, TruNews, to spread horrific racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories. Wiles also has a long record of disseminating anti-Muslim and anti-LGBTQ messages.

TruNews videos consists of Rick Wiles hosting one or more guests praying, using racist opinions to explain current events, talking about the “End Times” and asking for money. Wiles and his guests frequently espouse extreme conspiracy theories, including alleging the U.S. government planned to spread the Ebola virus on U.S. soil, that the U.S. and Israel created ISIS, and mass shootings are false flag operations carried out by “super-secret covert killing teams”.

Since the beginning of 2019, Wiles and his co-hosts began taking an increasingly extreme anti-Semitic and conspiratorial anti-Zionist positions. Eliminating any distinction between Israelis, Zionists and Jews, they have been spewing a series of extreme antisemitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories including the following:

  • Jew Coup”: Since November, 2019, Wiles has promoted the idea that the impeachment inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives against the President is part of a “Jew coup” to “overthrow the President" and install a “Jewish cabal” which will control the country.

  • Jews building a “Zionist empire”: Wiles railed against “old evil wicked kabbalah wizard rabbis,” claimed that Jews crucified Jesus 2000 years ago in order to build a “Zionist empire” and that Jews are going to kill and persecute Christians in the near future. He also alleged that Jews and Zion pornography and have “attacked Christian culture.”

  • The “Jewish mafia” controls politicians: Wiles and his co-hosts repeatedly claim that American Jews control the U.S. government. On one episode they claimed that Jewish Senators and Representatives are citizens of Israel and that all members of Congress (even non-Jews) are required to sign “Israeli pledge cards.”

  • Jews promote abortion and homosexuality: During a March 2019 episode, Wiles stated “Our culture has been decimated. Through abortion, pornography … all of it owned by the synagogue of Satan [Jews]".

  • Jewish books are “blasphemous”: In another episode of TruNews, Wiles said that “the old evil wicked Kabbalah wizard rabbis” were planning to “destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque [and wage] war against the Muslims at the Temple Mount” in order to build the Third Temple.

Christian leaders throughout the United States have condemned Wiles’ horrific antisemitism. On Dec. 4, 2019, Laurie Cardoza Moore of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations and Special Envoy to the UN for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) stated "Christian leaders must join me across the U.S. in calling this man out publicly by condemning his outrageous incitements to violence." 

On January 13, 2020, Paypal, Bloomerang, and Spreedly, announced they had stopped processing TruNews' donations because of the rampant bigotry spread by Rick Wiles and his co-hosts.

E. Michael Jones

Picture taken from the twitter account of E. Michael Jones.

Picture taken from the twitter account of E. Michael Jones.

E. Michael Jones is a well-known Catholic antisemite and a failed academic from South Bend, Indiana. In 1981, after being fired as a professor at South Bend's Catholic women's college, St. Mary's, he founded Fidelity magazine later named the Culture Wars, which is focused on the alleged evils of the Jews.

Following Soleimani's assassination, Jones has spent the past few days advocating for Iran, and claiming that Iran's problems lie with Israel and Jews who control American foreign policy in the United States.

Like fellow bigot Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the British Labour Party, Jones appeared multiple times on PressTV as the mouthpiece for the mullahs in Iran. Jones likes to call Iran the leader of the free world because in his view, unlike the United States, Iran has been able to stand up to Jewish efforts to undermine the moral order of its society.

Jones’ hostility toward Jews is quite troubling. At one point, he declared that Jews have been "undermining the moral law in the name of liberation. That’s what abortion is. That’s what pornography is. That’s what gay rights is. And now, that’s what Zionism is."

Shortly after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre Jones said the shooter was acting out the lessons taught by conservative and liberal Jews; liberal Jews promote and invite their murder with their support for abortion, while conservative Jews promote and invite their murder by supporting Israel despite the violence the Jewish state has inflicted on the Palestinians.

With the rise of social media, Jones has been able to reach a growing audience of young Catholics, and brainwash them with his antisemitic propaganda by encouraging them to blame the Jews for aspects of modern life they dislike. He even likes to promote other antisemites like Nick Fuentes.


Jones also seeks to use Catholic teachings to further his attacks on Jews. He invokes the Sicut Judaeis Non which is, according to him, a doctrine of the early church stating that the Jews are second class citizens and must refrain from undermining Christian cultures in which they live.

In his manifesto, The Jews and Moral SubversionJones declares that the Church must “work for the conversion of the group that is responsible for virtually every social ill in our day, namely the Jews, around whose evil machinations the axis of history turns.”

By spreading his hate and bigotry, E. Michael Jones is trying to create a rift between the Catholic and Jewish communities. We must do everything in our power to stop this and to strengthen the Judeo-Christian alliance.

Mehdi Hasan

Mehdi Hasan hosts Ilhan Omar on Al Jazeera, where she stated, Americans  instead of being Islamophobic "should be more fearful of white men."

Mehdi Hasan hosts Ilhan Omar on Al Jazeera, where she stated, Americans instead of being Islamophobic "should be more fearful of white men."

Mehdi Hasan works for Qatar’s Al Jazeera propaganda channel to advance the state’s foreign interests including promoting the Muslim Brotherhood, its Gaza proxy terror group Hamas, and relentlessly advancing anti-American and anti-Israel interests. Mehdi is a host of numerous Al Jazeera's prime English shows (Upfront, Head to Head, and The Café) and a senior writer for the Intercept; through these channels and more, he promotes horrific anti-American and antisemitic views. 

Al Jazeera is known to be the state sponsored propaganda arm of Qatar, the world's leader in terrorism. In addition to financially supporting terrorism in the Middle East, Qatar uses its powerful media infrastructure to destabilize our American Arab allies in the region by fomenting revolutions inside their borders.

Al Jazeera has also been accused of subpar, inconsistent journalistic standards and has been characterized as a medium for the Qatari Regime to paint a negative picture of America and glorify terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden. 

Hasan has repeatedly promoted anti-Israel sentiments on his social media by accusing Israel of apartheid, claiming Israel “invented” the U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas, and arguing Israel engages in the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. He also frequently undermines Israeli sovereignty by referencing Israel’s “illegal military occupation” of Palestinian territory and has attempted to delegitimize or downplay the anti-Semitic sentiments in his criticisms of Israel.


Hasan displayed a history of Islamic extremist beliefs, repeatedly coming to the defense of Hamas, despite his Twitter claim that he is “no Hamas defender.” Hasan has also been captured on video calling non-Muslims “cattle” who “live their lives as animals” and quoting a French scholar who claimed disbelievers have a “disease of the human mind.”, and expressed derogatory statements about homosexuals; his full statements can be heard here

Hasan has a history of attempting to downplay antisemitic sentiments, often using Israel as a shield and cheerleading for fellow bigots Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

  • In February 2019, he supported antisemitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, tweeting: "I wanted to do this #Thread pointing out the absurdity of saying it’s off limits to mention money and support for Israel, when the US media does mention money, influence-peddling & lobbying when it come to Saudi Arabia and DC.” 

  • In June 2019, Hasan mocked those who oppose anti-Zionism: “So anti-Zionism, opposing a Jewish-majority state which represses Palestinians, is apparently a form of horrific racism & antisemitism but... denying the very idea of a Palestinian state is fine because that’s ‘old state vernacular’.

  • In August 2019, Hasan white knighted for both Ilhan Omar's and Rashida Tlaib's continued antisemitism (see tweet below).


Hasan's employer, Al Jazeera, has continually received backlash for broadcasting antisemitic content, including denying the Holocaust,  spreading conspiracy theories that Jews had been tipped off to 9/11 and comparing Zionism to Nazism. In 2012, American journalist Oren Kessler wrote Al Jazeera's anti-Israel sentiment tends to bleed indistinguishably into antisemitism.

Al Jazeera has proven ties to the terrorist organization Hamas. Its Qatari owner provided millions of dollars to the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and openly promotes Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist. In 2011, Al Jazeera Journalist Samer Allawi admitted to being a Hamas operative.

Mehdi Hasan, vis-a-vis his employer Al Jazeera, pushes a stream of vile, antisemitic conspiracy theories and attempts to rile up religious extremists; he is successfully masquerading as a left-wing progressive in order to obscure the Islamist-run network and to appeal to younger people in the West.

Despite Hasan's Jew hatred, anti-American stance, and homophobic rants, media outlets like the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, and Sky News still consider him a sweetheart and continue to invite him on their shows. 

Eva Muhammad


Sister Ava Muhammad is the first female minister to preside over a Mosque in Louis Farrakhan's antisemitic ministry, Nation of Islam (NOI). She also holds a prominent role as the national spokesperson for the NOI.

Sister Muhammad has been loudly sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories against Jews; at an NOI Mother’s Day panel in New Orleans, Muhammad was praising Farrakhan and demonstrated she doesn't fall far behind with her vile Jew hatred.

During the panel, she was asked by an audience member why it’s necessary for Farrakhan to keep attacking Jews, and how those attacks benefit the African-American community. Sister Muhammad responded by calling Jews “godless,” which brought the crowd to their feet, and proclaiming: “We will be free of this bloodsucking parasite, so they will no longer be able to sell us alcohol, drugs, depraved sex, and every other type of low-life thing that is keeping us from hereafter.”

During the same panel, she also claimed that Jewish people were the driving force behind keeping black people down in the south following the conclusion of the Civil War.

Luckily enough, the public is catching up to the vile hatred and racism spewed by Ava Muhammad. Recently Muhammad was invited to speak at San Diego State University (SDSU) alongside Holocaust denier Omali Yeshitela, just days after the President signed an Executive Order targeting antisemitism on College campuses.

Originally, SDSU’s office for strategic communications issued a statement saying they are committed "to ensure all members of our community are free to express their views both because free expression is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution and because it is part of our values as an institution of higher learning.” However, after a massive social media outrage, SDSU rescinded Muhammad's invitation to speak. 

A spokesman for SDSU later stated, "The student’s proposed speaker list previously included those who have espoused antisemitic rhetoric in the past. We strongly reject antisemitic, and other disparaging messages and actions."

We are glad that notwithstanding their original position SDSU decided not to allow Muhammad a platform to spew her vile antisemitism to young, impressionable students.

Eliezer Valley

Valley arrested protesting in New York City, 2018.

Valley arrested protesting in New York City, 2018.

Eliezer A. Valley, otherwise known as Eli Valley, is a self-hating Jewish cartoonistValley spreads antisemitic caricatures and demonizes pro-Israel leaders and the state of Israel through vile and grotesque imagery on social media and any publication that is willing to spread his antisemitic views.

Eliezer’s background is interesting; his father was a pro-Israel conservative Rabbi and his mother a secular Jew. Eliezer attended Hebrew Day School and spent a few summers at Camp Ramah. For the past two decades, while being employed by Jewish institutions, much of Valley's covert work was dedicated to attacking Pro-Israel people – Jewish and non-Jewish alike – in the most antisemitic and vile ways.

Not surprisingly, Valley is a member of IfNotNow, an anti-Israel “As A Jew”  Hamas sympathizers hate group. In 2015 Valley participated in If Not Now demonstration in front of the Jewish Federation in New York and in 2018, he was arrested while protesting outside NYC’s Republican Club (pictured above).

Since the 2016 election, Valley's work centers around the current Presidential Administration and he frequently attacks any Jew that dares to support President Trump. Valley's vile products are being used by many antisemites as a powerful propaganda tool against Jews and the State of Israel.

In February this year Valley was praised by David Duke for having the courage to tell Jewish audiences what Nazis would not dare! In March he rushed to attack Meghan McCain after the daughter of the late Arizona senator criticized Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks about Jews and Israel.


Meghan didn’t hesitate to respond and said: “This is one of the most anti-Semitic things I’ve ever seen. Also, this reveals so much more about you than it does me...”. In contrast, most of the Jewish leaders attacked by Valley, prefer not to respond at all.

In Late November, the antisemitic groups Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), the adult sponsored of “If Not Now”, invited Valley to speak and exhibit his “Art” at Stanford University as part of their “Palestine Awareness Week.”

Valley's radical leftist sponsors promoted the event by putting up posters featuring his offensive illustrations attacking Jews and Israel, and covering up announcements from a Stanford Republican group. In response, the Republican group posted copies of antisemitic cartoons from the Nazi Der Stürmer publication, exhibiting the shocking similarities between Valley's work and classic Nazi Jew-hatred propaganda. JVP eventually apologized for putting up Valley’s cartoons on campus but its members actually doubled down on their support for his work and their commitment to the event.

Following the event, Valley spewed hate on Twitter about a Stanford Jewish student who critisized his work in a school paper explaining that the cartoonist peddles sickening antisemitism. Valley was also angry that the New York Times’ columnist Bari Weiss tweeted her support for those standing up to him and proceeded to attack her by making a sickening cartoon of her.


Valley frequently claims to be a victim and attacks his critics by arguing they oppose free speech. He also claims that his use of the same tropes as the Neo-Nazi outlet, Der Stürmer, is legitimate because his work is a parody. However, there is a disturbing similarity between his work to the Nazi propaganda, as Valley's cartoons illustrate not only references to classic antisemitic blood libels, but also portrays Jews and Jewish rituals in the most horrifying matter.

Together, as Americans, we must denounce Valley's use of disgusting, Nazi-style imagery which he uses to promote his vile antisemitic propaganda. Eliezer Valley deserves to be treated with the same contempt as the antisemitic white nationalists he claims to be fighting!

Andrew Anglin


Meet Andrew Anglin, the Neo-Nazi “on the run” who launched The Daily Stormer, a shameful excuse of a website dedicated to spreading antisemitism, neo-Nazism, and white-Supremacy ideas for all the "disenfranchised and angry white males under the age of thirty".

Anglin is part of the most extreme element of the alt-right, a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists, antisemites and anti-feminists who deny the holocaust, and promote hatred and conspiracy theories against Jews.

Anglin uses internet trolling to attack Jews on a daily basis, using crude antisemitic language to describe various figures through his disgusting online endeavors. In the “Jewish Problem” section of The Daily Stormer, he accuses Jews of all sorts of societal ills; he also lauds Hitler and promotes Holocaust denial.

Anglin, who considers himself a troll (slang for a person starting fights on the internet), instructs his readers and followers, the “Stormer Troll Army”, to inundate perceived enemies, mostly being Jews, with hateful messages on social media. Anglin has also posted extensive instructions on “how to troll people”, and carried out these tactics against Jewish journalists and Jewish public figures, including politicians.

In December 2016, Anglin took his trolling a few steps further. By using his bigoted influence, he directed his followers to launch a virtual attack on the Jewish community of Whitefish, Montana. Not only was the community targeted, but he had also specifically targeted a Jewish realtor from Whitefish, Tanya Gersh and tried to force her to sell her property in town. As Whitefish’s Jewish residents were harassed with threatening emails, phone calls and on social media, Anglin announced his plans to bring armed racist skinheads and a Hamas representative for a rally in the town.

Tanya Gersh, photo credit Dan Chung

Tanya Gersh, photo credit Dan Chung

In June 2019, Gersh who successfully sued Anglin has been awarded a $14 million dollar judgement against Anglin and the Daily Stormer. Gersh is unable to collect on her judgement because Anglin has fled the country and is supposedly in Africa or the Philippines.

Because of his vile racism and Jew hatred, Anglin and his Daily Stormer website were dropped by hosting companies GoDaddy, Zoho, SendGrid and Cloudflare; he was even rejected by Rozcom, a large dark web Russian national registrar. Anglin finally found a company out of the Philippines to host him.

Recently Andrew Anglin and his Daily Stormer joined forces with Jew hater Nick Fuentes & his America First movement to protest the First Family, who as they claim, cares more about billionaires and Israel than about them.

While it's easy to dismiss people like Andrew Anglin as unhinged and crazy, we can no longer ignore his large influence over millions of young impressionable minds. The social media accounts of white nationalists like Anglin, Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer have grown 600% since 2016; as researchers are finding the incidents of school shootings are increasing with social media use, there is an even greater urgency to expose and stop influential hateful bigots like Andrew Anglin.

Linda Sarsour


Linda Sarsour is a Brooklyn born and based, controversial Palestinian-American activist who is highly adept at promoting herself. She seems to always be at center stage, availing herself of photo-ops, and procuring prestigious platforms from which to preach anti-American and antisemitic views.

How does she do this? She attaches herself to trendy, progressive causes, like “Occupy Wall Street,” “Women’s March on Washington,” or “Black Lives Matter,” proclaiming herself a “person of color” – although she is white; a “feminist”, although she is an apologist for sexism in Islamic countries who defends Female Genital Mutilation while attacking Survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali and saying: I Would Take Her ‘Vagina Away’, and a crusader for whatever cause du jour is in vogue.

Far from the tolerant, inclusive bridge-builder she pretends to be, Sarsour has been known to use her public platforms to spew antisemitism, and promote hatred towards the State of Israel. One thousand Rabbis recent accused Linda Sarsour of ‘Peddling in Antisemitic Falsehood’ and iconic singer Courtney Love called her an ‘Anti-Semitic Terrorist

Sarsour is a strong proponent of the terror affiliated Jew-hatred Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign that delegitimizes the Jewish state— a campaign that is widely recognized as antisemitic in nature globally. Yet Linda Sarsour continues to defend, justify and promote BDS, characterizing it simply as a “free speech” issue.

Presuming herself the arbiter of participation in the feminist movement, she uses her leadership "roles" to reject anyone who supports Israel - "Is there room for people who support the state of Israel and do not criticize it in the movement? There can’t be in feminism."

Some of Linda Sarsour's outstanding highlights as a renowned antisemite include:

  • Sarsour delivering a speech at a 2015 rally organized by antisemite Louis Farrakhan, and proceeded to blame Jews for complaining about their relationship, painting them as part of a right-wing conspiracy.

  • Sarsour asked Jews on Facebook: “What work are we willing to do and are we willing to be open to the true idea that members of the NOI [Nation of Islam] are not all anti-Semites? Are we cool with broad brushing a whole group?”

  • When Elder Kirsten John Foy told a Jewish woman, "You’ve got wicked spirit laying upon your heart. I pray them bound and cast from you by the blood of the lamb of God, Jesus Christ," Sarsour applauded him and replied, “You are too blessed to be stressed.”

  • Sarsour told Jews to boycott the Forward, a nonprofit Jewish publication that used to defended Sarsour.

  • Sarsour threw a temper tantrum over the announcement of a black-Jewish caucus, encouraging more division between two communities of which you are not a part.

  • Sarsour suggested Jewish progressives harbor divided loyalties to Israel over their values.

  • Sarsour enthusiastically co-signed an article that accused Jews of waging “profound war on black people and people of color.”

  • And who can ever forget Sarsour's most famous tweet about nothing being creepier than Zionism.


Linda Sarsour presents herself as an all-around universal activist who embraces all marginalized minorities, but in reality, she excludes anyone whose views do not completely align with hers, specifically Jewish ones. She poses as an opponent of antisemitism and a proponent of racial justice who fights for Palestinian national self-determination, but she denies Jews the same right. She demands free speech for herself and for her BDS campaign, but shuts down the free speech of anyone who disagrees with her, aka pro-Israel activists.

In summary, Linda Sarsour is a poseur who uses others to promote her antisemitic, anti-Israel agenda.

Nick Fuentes – Groyper Army

Fuentes: Revolutionary Leader of Little Italy 2053AS- Reddit (now banned for violent content policy violation)

Nick Fuentes started his Jew-hating online career in 2014 when he began posting racist and bigoted videos to his YouTube channel, America First (YouTube has since removed the channel for hate policy violations). Fuentes, affectionately referred to as "Nazi Nick" by his loyal followers, first attended Boston University but was forced to leave by students angered over his involvement at the 2017 Unite the Right White Nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He now heads up the “Groyper Army”, a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of the white supremacist.

Since 2016, Fuentes gained an even bigger following when he pretended to be a true supporter of the current White House Administration. Along with his YouTube channel, Fuentes used to run the Nationalist Review, a white supremacist podcast with James Allsup, another neo-Nazi, alt-right supporter; the podcast was terminated after the two had a fight.

Just a few days ago, Fuentes used an analogy of Cookie Monster baking batches of cookies in an attempt to deny the horrific murder of 6 million innocent Jews during the Holocaust, telling his podcast audience that the number “just doesn’t make sense” to him. This open and unashamed denial of the facts of the Holocaust is atrocious and disgusting.

On his other social media platforms, which include Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram, Fuentes makes many outrageous and sickening anti-Israel and antisemitic comments. It's extremely puzzling why Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram are willing to lend Holocaust deniers such as Fuentes, and others like him, a platform for clear antisemitism.

Fuentes frequently targets Christians who support Israel or as he claims ‘are working for the Jews’. In one of his videoblogs (now removed from YouTube for policy violation), Fuentes attacks Matt Walsh from The Daily Wire and states Walsh is a "shabbos goy traitor. That's what it is, folks. He hates white people. Race traitor- you work for Jews".

Nazi Nick also takes his antisemitic tirades out on the president of Turning Point USA's (TPUSA), Charlie Kirk, tweeting Charlie has some obsession about supporting Israel. Also, the TPUSA event at Ohio State University earlier this week featuring Charlie Kirk was crashed by Groypers (what the alt-right followers call themselves), who began chanting gay and antisemitic slurs; Fuentes was being credited for hijacking the event.

Fuentes often takes advantage of his young followers naiveté, many of them teenagers he refers to as Zoomers, telling them not to tell his parents if they get "red pilled". According to the alt-right, taking the red pill is the beginning of a process of radicalization in which an individual becomes enculturated in an extreme, reactionary worldview. Fuentes also encourages his followers to post antisemitic pictures and memes to his social media platforms as seen in this racist image below.


Move over David Duke, it looks like a new racist white nationalist one third your age is about to take over your title as America's top neo-Nazi!

Max Blumenthal

Max Blumenthal pictured with convicted terrorist, Rasmea Odeh in 2015.

Max Blumenthal pictured with convicted terrorist, Rasmea Odeh in 2015.

Max Blumenthal, whose Jewish father Sidney Blumenthal, was a former Clinton aide, began his career in 2002 as a radical left-wing journalist and already in 2013 and 2014 the Simon Wiesenthal Center named him as one of the country's most prominent antisemites. In 2015, Blumenthal founded a website called “The Grayzone Project,” which is a one-stop propaganda shop, devoted largely to pushing a pro-Assad line on Syria, a pro-regime line on Venezuela, and specifically, a pro-Hamas line on Israel. Blumenthal currently works as a writing fellow at the Nation Institute, which is funded, in part, by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Max is a useful Idiot Jew serving as an outspoken supporter and promotor of the antisemitic BDS movement. His book "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" drew condemnation even from far left-wing critics of Israel for his outlandish antisemitic opinions and the Louis Brandies Center blamed him for mainstreaming antisemitism. The Nation's Eric Alterman blasted the book, claiming it "could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club (if it existed)."

Max Blumenthal has a long and well known history of antisemitism:

  • Blumenthal was disinvited from a scheduled speaking engagement by the German “Die Linke” (The Left) party due to his antisemitic views.

  • Blumenthal’s antics earned him a lifetime ban from the German parliament.

  • Blumenthal’s works have been cited and praised by radical extremists and neo-Nazis and have been featured on the antisemitic, Islamist blog, Electronic Intifada as well as the neo-Nazi Internet forum, Stormfront.

  • The left-leaning news outlet Forward referred to Blumenthal’s book as so anti-Israel it, “makes even anti-Zionists blush.”

  • Blumenthal compared Israel with the Islamic terror group ISIL (=ISIS), calling the Jewish state “JSIL” or the “Jewish State of Israel and the Levant.”

  • Blumenthal called Israelis “Judeo-Nazis.”

  • Blumenthal was caught red-handed conjuring up fictitious quotes maligning Israel by Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor of the liberal publication, the Atlantic.

  • Blumenthal spoke at an event held by the British charity War on Want (WoW), which has sponsored numerous anti-Israel events and helped pay for “Israeli Apartheid Week”. According to the London Telegraph, undercover recordings showed that these WoW events were replete with “anti-Semitism, demands for the destruction of Israel, [and] naked support for terror.”

  • He also has appeared numerous times as a speaker at fundraising banquets for the Council on American-Islamic Relation (CAIR), a group known for ties to Palestinian terror organization.

The Tablet has described his work as "anti-Zionist polemic dripping with cartoon-like, racially weighted depictions of Jews. What distinguishes him from many other anti-Zionist writers is not his political views, but the obsessive nature of his work, which seems animated not by moral passion or analysis but by hate."

Coming from Jewish descent with a vile antisemitic resume like Max Blumenthal's, is it a wonder he was praised by one of the most notorious white supremacists in America, David Duke.

Max Blumenthal greatly surpasses the boundaries of a polarizing figure into glaring antisemitism. He is the perfect example of no matter where we encounter Jew hatred, we must expose and stop it.

Hatem Bazian


“The Day of Judgment will not happen until the trees and stones will say, ‘Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’"
Hatem Bazian, 1999 / Hamas Charter, Article 7

Nablus born Hatem Bazian is probably the most antisemitic Professor in the United States. He started his career while studying at UC Berekely, when he headed the Muslim Student Association (MSA), an organization established by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Bazian is a strong advocate for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and a founder of several anti-Israel and antisemitic organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), known as Hamas on campus, and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

Bazian spreads antisemitism, denies Jewish peoplehood, rewrites history, and compares Israel to Nazi Germany, which is defined as antisemitism by IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) and the U.S. Department of State.

In addition, Bazian supports terrorists with blood on their hands and spreads conspiracies about Jewish control in America. Here are a few examples of his hateful, antisemitic comments:

  • “Some say our Congress is the best money can buy. But we also say our Congress is an Israeli occupied territory.”

  • “There are a large number of Zionists who were engaged with Nazi Germany”

  • “The only language the slave master understands is the language of violence”

  • “How come we don’t have an intifada [violent uprising] in this country?”

In March 2014, Bazian published an article in the Harvard International Review, where he claimed that much of ancient Jewish history in the land of Israel is a “mythical past" and that Jews are a group that is a “historical passer-by in the land."

Bazian's student group, SJP, frequently intimidate and harass Jewish and pro-Israel students. SJP members have physically assaulted Jewish students, aggressively disrupted pro-Israel events and vandalized communal property. SJP rallies regularly include hate-speech and calls for violence against Jews and the destruction of Israel, such as “Long Live The Intifada" and “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free".

SJP chapters regularly host individuals linked to terrorist organization and antisemitic speakers. Last year in November 2018, SJP held its national conference at UCLA. The announcement of the conference and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs' stomach - turning report on SJP members, that exposed their hateful nature against Jews, caused public outrage. StopAntisemisim.org ran a petition that was signed by over 60,000 calling UCLA to cancel the conference. Nonetheless, UCLA decided to allow SJP to hold their conference.

SJP's next annual National Conference is planned to be held at the University of Minnesota on November 1-3rd and is causing outrage and condemnation among Jewish groups and communities.

The university is adamantly defending SJP's right to hold this vile antisemitic summit on campus and justifies it by claiming that "they encourage their students to exercise freedom of expression and the University does not make decisions based on content."

Universities such as UC Berkeley, that employees hateful professors like Hatem Bazian, George Mason University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, Columbia University, Tufts University, San Diego State University, University of Huston, UCLA and University of Minnesota that host SJP's antisemitic conference must be held accountable! We encourage you to stop supporting these universities now!

Bob Bland


Bob Bland, who's real name is Mari Lynn Foulger, is a self declared NYC fashion designer claiming to be women's activist. She was one of the founding members of the Women's March and served on the Board of Directors since 2017.

With Bland at the leadership wheel, along with other prominent antisemites Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, and Carmen Perez, the group constantly ostracized and excluded Jewish women and Zionist groups and was under constant fire due to antisemitsm stemming from the top of the organization.

Teresa Shook, one of the original founders of the Women’s March, who left the organization in November 2018, called for its leadership to resign in light of their vile antisemitism. “Bob Bland [et al] have steered the Movement away from its true course,” she wrote in Facebook post. “I have waited, hoping they would right the ship. But they have not. In opposition to our Unity Principles, they have allowed anti-Semitism to become a part of the platform by their refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs.”

According to several sources, during the first meeting of the Women's March in November 2016, the founding members stated Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people, and claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.

Bland denied any such statements were ever uttered but admitted there was a discussion about "how white women had centered themselves."

Bland and Mallory appeared on the View in January 2019, and refused to condemn their constant cheerleading of antisemite Louis Farrakhan, who has compared Jews to Vermin and called Hitler a fine man.

On March 17, 2019 Bland shared a (now deleted) post blaming the New Zealand massacre on American Jews- “The same language and hate that folks spew against Sisters Linda Sarsour and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) killed 54 Muslims in New Zealand. You can’t stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and simultaneously disavow Muslim women for speaking their truths. American Jewish Establishment, I’m looking at you.

When confronted about her antisemitic post, Bland blamed her kids for distracting her when she was sharing the post but didn't express any regret nor denounced its antisemitic content.

Amid the continued antisemitism displayed by Bland and her March sisters, major sponsors like the Democratic National Committee pulled out and less than half of the group's original partners continued the partnership in 2019.

In July 2019, Bland stepped down from her position and a formal announcement was made last month. Media outlets reported the Women's March was fed up with the continued antisemitic controversies that followed the original founders and replaced Bland, Sarsour, and Mallory with new Board Members.

Unfortunately, their bad decision making process continued as one of the newly elected members, Zahra Billoo, who was featured as an Antisemite of the Week, was selected and consequently removed from the Board within 48 hours after horrifying antisemitic posts of hers surfaced on social media.

Edward Ahmed Mitchell

cair mitchell.jpeg

Edward Ahmed Mitchell is the Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia Chapter, a front of the terror organization Hamas, since 2016.

Mitchell is a frequent speaker at protests and is not afraid to publicly articulate his antisemitic views. In May 2018 Mitchell participated in a protest hosted by multiple radical, antisemitic groups Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). During his speech, he falsely accused the United States of sending law enforcement to Israel for “urban policing” training so they can return to “occupy and control…the streets of America.”

He constantly shares inflammatory content on social media and supports the antisemitic rhetoric and behaviors of antisemites such as Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Marc Lamont Hill, who was fired by CNN for calling for the destruction of Israel. Mitchell retweeted fellow CAIR employee Imran Siddiqi's post that firing Hill was “injustice personified.”

In March 2019, Mitchell, speaking on behalf of CAIR Georgia, defended the display of a map that erased Israel and replaced it with Palestine at a “Multicultural Night” held by an Atlanta middle school stating the school nor the student did anything wrong.

Now, under Mitchell's leadership and guidance, CAIR Georgia is allegedly funding and recruiting students at Georgia State University (GSU) to be campaign surrogates for CAIR’s antisemitic campaign against GILEE, a joint project of GSU and local, state, federal and international law enforcement and public safety agencies. GILEE works to advance U.S. homeland security efforts through counterterrorism training and international cooperation; Israel is one of 25 countries participating in this life-saving program.

Last spring, students recruited by Mitchell at GSU introduced a resolution urging GSU to withdraw its police department from GILEE on the basis of its partnership with Israel. While the resolution failed to pass last semester, CAIR and Mitchell are scheming to renew the antisemitic campaign against GILEE this school year. Mitchell's tactics give legitimacy to antisemitism on campus at GSU; even though they have no facts and is purely propaganda based.

CAIR attempts to position itself as the leading Civil Rights Group for Muslims when in reality it does nothing more than praise convicted murders and terrorists and demonizes Israel and Jews. College campuses should serve their students, not terror-affiliated organizations.

Sign our petition and call on the U.S. Department of Education and GSU to keep CAIR off our campuses!

Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton is an American "civil rights activist," Baptist minister, talk show host and failed politician. In July 1991, a controversy erupted when Leonard Jeffries, a professor at New York’s City College accused “rich Jews” of financing the slave trade and of controlling Hollywood so they could “put together a system of destruction for Black people.” Sharpton rushed to defend Jeffries and declared: “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

A month later, a Jewish driver accidentally ran over a 7-year-old black boy in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and an antisemitic riot broke out during which a Jewish rabbinical scholar was stabbed to death by an angry mob. Instead of calling for calm, Sharpton incited the rioters, leading streets marches chanting “No Justice, No Peace!” and “Kill the Jews!”

In 1995, Al Sharpton injected himself into a landlord-tenant dispute in Harlem, which soon turned deadly. A black Pentecostal church raised the rent of its Jewish tenant, who owned the store Freddy’s Fashion Mart, so the Jewish owner in turn raised the rent on his black sub-tenant, who ran a record store. Sharpton immediately saw an opening for racial demagoguery, and went on radio, declaring, “We will not stand by and allow them [Jews] to evict our brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

Protesters led by Sharpton’s National Action Network picketed outside the store referring to Jews as “bloodsuckers” and threatening, “We’re going to burn and loot the Jews.” The demonstrators also struck matches and threw them into the store’s doorway. Two months into the protest, one of the demonstrators stormed into the store armed with a gun, and burned the place to the ground, killing seven people, and shooting himself.

In 2000, then Republican Representative Joe Scarborough, introduced a Resolution titled "Condemning the racist and anti-Semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton" that included some of Sharpton's statements such as ‘bloodsucking [J]ews’, ‘Jew bastards’, 'white interlopers', and 'diamond merchants'. The resolution was never brought to a vote on the floor.

At last week's Congressional testimony on Police Brutality, Sharpton was confronted with his own statements but chose to deny all of them.

Despite his attempts to deny the truth, it's clear that Al Sharpton is a Jew Hater. He seeks to leverage hatred towards Jews to advance his own agenda.

Zahra Billoo


The Women’s March is a women-led movement with a goal to provide intersectional education on a diverse range of issues; critics on both side of the political isle claimed the group is antisemitic under the leadership of Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, and Mari Lynn “Bob” Bland.

After the Women's March cut ties with Sarsour, Mallory and Bland, amid anti-Semitism controversy, on Tuesday Sept. 17th, the Women’s March announced the introduction of 16 new members to its board. Instead of taking the opportunity to weed out antisemitism, Zahra Billoo, who appears to be an enhanced version of antisemite Linda Sarsour, was selected as a board member. Zahra Billoo, a civil-rights attorney, is also the Director of the terror affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations’s (CAIR) San Francisco chapter.

CAIR has long been accused of being an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and was named by Federal prosecutors in 2007 along with two other Islamic organizations as “unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint ventures” in a criminal conspiracy to support Hamas financially.

Zahra Billoo has spread anti-Semitism and defended the terror organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. She has also expressed support for terrorists and defended terror financiers. Billoo has also equated Israel with ISIS and demonized American Jewish institutions, Israel, America and Zionism.

Billoo is a supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and was a speaker at the 2018 annual conference for American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).

Here are just a few of Billo's tweets spreading antisemitism

  • On May 13, 2014, Billoo tweeted: “‘Israel ‘defending’ itself from Palestinians is analogous to Nazi Germany defending itself from Jewish uprising.’"

  • On July 24, 2010, Billoo tweeted: “RT @beatsNOTbombs: No need for a holocaust museum, seeing as Israel has taken it upon itself to recreate it. #Israel #Nazis."

Here are a few of Billoo's tweets defending Terror Organizations

  • On July 14, 2014, Billoo tweeted: “Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [Apartheid] Israel is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist. #FreePalestine."

  • On July 5, 2014, Billoo tweeted: “‘Israel without any clear evidence accused and held Hamas responsible for the killing of the 3 settlers who were reservists in the IDF.’"

  • On April 20, 2013, Billoo tweeted: “Hamas was democratically elected to govern Palestine."

  • On January 8, 2009, the day Hezbollah fired several rockets into Israel injuring 5 Israelis, Billoo tweeted: “is torn. The ish just hit the fan… AH [Alhamdulillah - Praise God] for Hezbollah having the courage to do what the Arab governments won't!"

The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) is an Islamist U.S. based organization whose members were indicted for funnelling funds to Hamas in the guise of humanitarian aid. The men were all convicted and sentenced in 2009 to federal prison terms ranging from 15 to 65 years.

Here are a few of Billoo's tweets defending Terror Financiers

  • On February 23, 2013, Billoo tweeted: “Not a single penny of the Holy Land Foundation's money ever went to terrorism."

  • On February 23, 2013, Billoo also tweeted: “@AntiCAIR thank you so much for your genius calculations, except the government never proved that HLF money actually went to terrorism."

Here are a few of her tweets comparing the U.S. and Israeli Armies to ISIS

  • On May 25, 2018, Billoo tweeted: “doesn't see any difference between American youth leaving the country to join ISIS or the IDF. Both are murderous, war crime committing, terrorist entities."

  • On August 6, 2015, Billoo tweeted: “I'll call ISIS "Radical Islamic Terrorists" if you'll call the IDF "Radical Jewish Terrorists"? #GOPDebate #ApartheidIsrael #Gaza"

  • On November 11, 2018, Billoo tweeted: “the Israeli Defense Forces, or the IDF, are no better than ISIS. They are both genocidal terrorist organizations."

Just 48 hours after her appointment, Billoo was dropped from the Women's March after a social media firestorm about her hate filled past quickly surfaced.


On the morning of Thursday September 19th, Billoo, in a series of 25 tweets, claimed to be the subject of "an Islamophobic smear campaign". We applaud the Women's March for doing the right thing in dropping this rabid antisemite and hope their future vetting processes are a bit more rigid.

Ariel Gold


Ariel Gold is classic useful idiot, who use their Jewish blood as a justification for promoting vile racism and hatred toward Jews. She is an anti-Israel provocateur, a strong advocate of the antisemitic BDS movement and co-director of Codepink, a radical social justice NGO that is proud of its relationship with terror groups.

While Codepink adamantly claims to be committed to non-violence, it has openly supported the use of violence against Israelis as legitimate“resistance” and has direct ties to US-designated terror organizations. It has extensively documented its numerous visits to Hamas in Gaza, has publicly endorsed the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist Khalida Jarrar, and has engaged with Hezbollah as well as with Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Not only is Codepink funneling terrorist ideologies into the US, but through its relationship with other BDS organizations, particularly the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), it is systematically radicalizing American students on college campuses.

Gold herself has demonstrated against Israel, disrupted public events and been arrested (in both Israel and the United States) for public disturbance. Gold was denied entry into Israel for her support of the delegitimization of the Country.


Her political activism to delegitimize the State of Israel began in late 2008, when she joined Jewish Voice for Peace, JVP (Ithaca), an inherently antisemitic organization that advocates for violence against Jews and the destruction of Israel.

One of Gold's most disturbing acts was coordinating a 5-week U.S. speaking tour for Palestinian propagandist Bassem Tamimi, whose U.S. visa has since been revoked. Gold brought him to a third-grade classroom in Ithaca, New York, where he encouraged grade-school children to become "freedom fighters for Palestine." An investigation by the Ithaca City School District determined Tamimi’s anti-Israel presentation to the 8 and 9-year olds to be “politically skewed" and “inflammatory."

Ariel Gold is very active on social media and uses her Facebook and Twitter accounts almost exclusively to spread anti-Israel propoganda and rally behind the antisemitic organizations and individuals she collaborates with.

  • In January 2019, she tweeted for Palestinians to stop selling their homes to Jews.

  • In March 2019, she tweeted her support for antisemite Congresswoman Ilhan Omar while in Congressswoman Rashida Tlaib's office.

  • In August 2019, she tweeted equating the El Paso Shooting on Jewish White Nationalism.

On November 28-30th, 2019 Ariel Gold will be the only Jewish speaker at the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) annual conference in Chicago along with other prominent antisemites like Linda Sarsour, Mark Lamont Hill, and Hatem Bazian. AMP's staff and board members push antisemitic conspiracies, promote antisemitism and fund-raise for Hamas.

Abbas Hamideh


Abbas Hamideh was born and raised in Puerto Rico, attended College in New York, and now lives in Cleveland. He attempts to disguise his activism as peaceful but he is in fact a devoted supporter of terror organizations who advocates for violence against Jews and killing of Israelis.

Abbas Hamideh and the organization he co-founded, Al-Awda, are well known to Law Enforcement Agencies. Al-Awda openly supports terror groups targeting Israelis. In 2007, the Al-Awda listserv disseminated at least five communications from the U.S. designated terror organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), including one from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and one joint statement with Hamas. In 2009, Hamideh's Al-Awda also openly claimed Jews are guilty of engaging in organ trafficking.

Hamideh is not shy about his deeply rooted Jew hatred and often expresses it on Twitter.

Perhaps the most frightening of all his social media posts is his clear support for Hezbollah, one of the most dangerous global designated terror groups. Over and over again, Hamideh praises the terror organization and their leader, Hassan Nasrallah, on Twitter.


Hamideh has also expressed strong support for Rasmea Odeh, a member of the PFLP, who was convicted of planting the explosives used in two Jerusalem bombings.

After the 2018 Pittsburgh massacre in which 13 Jews were killed by a white supremacist some Muslim communities stood in support with Jews. Hamideh tweeted, “I don’t find Muslims holding hands with Zionist congregations amusing. Those engaged in such activities are betraying the Palestinian martyrs falling daily. It is treason to the Palestinian struggle.”

In March 2019, Hamideh orchestrated a protest in Washington D.C. at the annual AIPAC Conference. During the protest, he was filmed chanting “A progressive Zionist is the same as a progressive Nazi”.

Exactly how radical is Abbas Hamideh? To the point his good friend and an antisemite in her own right Linda Sarsour has fully ceased communication with him over a dispute that Sarsour had the audacity to support a Jew, Bernie Sanders, for the 2020 Presidential Campaign.

Unlike Sarsour, Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has no problem associating with Hamideh. In January 2019, he posted on Twitter a photo in which he is standing next to Tlaib; Tlaib refused to comment on their relationship.

Richard Spencer


Richard Spencer may be young but his hate fueled resume compete with those of prominent antisemites such as David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. Spencer, founder of the Alt-Right movement, is the president of a White Supremacist think tank, the National Policy Institute, and is running the Washington Summit Publishers (WSP), both conduits for spreading hate-filled, racist books, researches, and news articles.

In 2017, Richard Spencer was briefly suspended for spreading his vile antisemitism. He repeatedly tweeted antisemitic statements and has used the anti-Semitic "echoes" trope [a way for antisemites to identify Jews on social media] time and time again.

  • On May 6, 2017, Spencer tweeted: “There's a long tradition of Jews reserving the Holocaust as *the* extra special, sacred genocide.”

  • On June 18, 2017, Spencer tweeted: “Greg Johnson on how the Jews created homophobia and prevented Aryans from being pansexual. Very creepy stuff.” Spencer linked to an article in the white nationalist publication counter-currents.com that started: “Because of the distorting lens of the Jewish media, it is easy to think that all homosexuals are promoters of the Jewish agenda. And leftist gays really are repulsive.”

  • On July 1, 2017, Spencer retweeted a tweet about someone speaking about “US foreign policy and Jewish ritual murder.”

  • On July 4, 2017, Spencer shared an image on Twitter suggesting Jewish control over CNN.

  • On August 1, 2017, Spencer retweeted a tweet that said: “'The Big Lie’ is an example of the big lie. Hitler never advocated such a thing. He claimed in Mein Kampf that was Jewish behavior.”

On August 11, 2017, Spencer authored an article on Altright.com titled “What It Means To Be Alt-Right.” Spencer’s second point was titled “Jews.” It was the only ethnic group mentioned by name in the document. The section sought to distance white people from Jewish influence, stating: “The preservation of their identity as Jews was and is contingent on resistance to assimilation, sometimes expressed as hostility towards their hosts. ‘Judeo-Christian values’ might be a quaint political slogan, but it is a distortion of the historical and metaphysical reality of both Jews and Europeans.”

Richard Spencer calls for “a White Ethno-State on the American continent” and his white nationalist events have been accompanied by counter-protests and a heavy police presence. Spencer's supporters and counter-protesters have fought one another — sometimes with deadly consequences.

In 2017, Spencer organized a march at the University of Virginia (UVA) that featured Nazi chants. White nationalists carried torches — reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) cross burnings — and chanted “You will not replace us.” Some marchers were reported to have also chanted “Jew will not replace us!”.

Marchers also chanted “Blood and Soil!” — an English variation of a popular Nazi-era German chant “blut und boden.” Multiple marchers made Nazi salutes and the chant “sieg heil” was reportedly heard.

The next day, Spencer headlined the “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA, that attracted the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) and white separatist League of the South (LS).

One neo-Nazi who attended the rally drove his car into a group of counter-protesters, killing one and injuring at least 19. Another 14 were injured in other fighting between white nationalists and leftist counter-protesters.

Richard Spencer has become the most recognizable public face of the Radical Right; his movement and followers are inciting hate and encourage acts of violence against Jews.